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When I wake up I saw Shizu-san beside me still naked like me. Last night was amazing probably the best one of all. I leave to many kiss and bite mark on her neck and shoulder though. But put that aside it's time for me to go to Ingrassia.

"Shizu-san it's morning" I said waking her up.

"Hmm Good morning Rimuru-san" She got up and stretch and her breast is really reveal.

"Hehe" I giggled a little.

"What is there something wrong" Shizu asked then she realizes that she's still naked. And then she cover her breast with her arms.

"Hehehe you don't need to hide them I already seen them twice Shizu-san" I said making her embarrassed.

"Don't say such things" Shizu replied better not make her more embarrassed.

"Hehehe okay okay I stop so should we go grab something to eat now" I asked her and then she nodded then we put on some clothes but my bite and kiss marks on Shizu's neck is still visible.

Then I prepare something for us to eat. After that we head to the meeting room and all the executive are there then we had the same conversation. And I leave the place to Shizu-san and Valora. Speaking of Valora she's been studying to cook dessert and painting some beautiful views in Tempest.

"Well I'm gonna go now" I said to all of them.

"Please be safe Rimuru-sama" Shion said.

"I will pray for your safety Rimuru-sama" Shuna said.

"Good luck on your adventure Rimuru-sama" Hakuro and Benimaru said.

"Have a nice trip Rimuru-san" Shizu said and I gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek a making Shuna and Shion jealous. Then I head out.

The executives POV

"Hohoho then I shall go back to the training grounds" Hakuro said and left.

"Shizu-sama you have a rough night right hehehe" Haruna appeared out of nowhere.

"Ehh!? What are you talking about hehehe" Shizu said trying to cover everything happened last night.

"Your lies are obvious Shizu-sama hehehe" Haruna replied.

"What are you saying hehehe" Shizu replied.

"You know Shizu-sama we can see all those bite and kiss mark on your neck" Haruna said.

"Uhhh" Shizu said realizing that she forgot to cover it.

"We will leave now let's go Shuna and Shion" Benimaru pull both of them and Shion and Shuna are both really red of what they heard.

Then Shizu run back at home to find a scarf to cover the marks on her neck.

Rimuru's POV.

I head to Blummud first because I need to get an ID so I can enter Ingrassia. And I meet Elen and her party on the way. But we head to Blummud anyway. After I got my ID I continue my journey to Ingrassia.

"Now I'm here time to enter" I said to myself and I got in the line and enter the kingdom. And I head to the office of Yuuki. And he tried to kick me again but I just stop it with my finger this time. nd I explained everything about saving the kids and he agreed and take me to their classroom. Gosh the last time I saw them they're adults.

"Hello I'm your new teache-" Before I finished my sentence Kenya attack me with a fire slash but avoid it. It's not gonna do anything to me just feeling what I do is right.

"Okay everyone I'm your new teacher my name is Rimuru Tempest" I introduced myself and start calling their name like last time I need to call Ranga so they listen to me. And I do the same thing like before. I fight them 1 by 1 whooping their ass. It kinda feel good. But they're still kids I kinda feel bad just a little. The. I take out a copy of Shizu-san mask and show them so they trust me.

Meanwhile on Tempest.

Shizu is signing papers like Rimuru but Valora is helping her with it. They finish most of it but there still more.

"Now I know how Rimuru-san feel after work" I said to myself I even have help but Rimuru-san do it alone.

"Aunt Shizu do you want some snacks before we start again" Valora asked.

"Yes please" I said while smoke is coming out of my head.

"I be making them now" Valora said and now before leaving the room

Valora is sure is a polite kid more top of it she's a beautiful teenager. Rimuru-san said to me that Veldora is acting like a child. It surprised me that Valora didn't inherited that side of her father. And she really like arts and books not manga just ordinary books.

"I'm back Aunt Shizu" Valora said and enter the room.

"Thank you Valora" I replied.

"Your welcome Aunt Shizu" she said and take a cookie and dip it on milk. For some reason she likes milk and cookies. That's kinda childish but it's kinda cute after all who can't resist cookies with Milk.

Restart Everything [That time I got reincarnated as a slime]Where stories live. Discover now