Shizu's new home

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After I got saved by slime-san I stayed in his town. I'm really happy here it feels like I'm in the place where I belong. All people here are all kind to me. Even if they are monsters they act like human laugh like a human live like a human. And I know this place is what I can call home.

"Lady Shizu food is ready" Haruna said

"Thank you Haruna-san" I replied.

When we arrive at the place I ate the food they prepare it was delicious am with Haruna and the other Goblinas. They're all kind and helpful.

"Lady Shizu can I ask a question" a Goblina ask.

"Sure but the only ones I can answer" I replied.

"Do you like Rimuru-sama" She asked me.

"Eh?!" I replied in shock.

"Yes we want to know Lady Shizu" Haruna said.

"Umm you see" I was about to talk but a Goblina interrupt me.

"We won't mind if you're gonna be Rimuru's Bride beside your really kind and beautiful maybe the most beautiful in the village" a Goblina said.

"Eh! Wait" I said.

"Beside I think Rimuru-sama likes you so much Lady Shizu" Haruna said.

"Yes a lot of Goblins noticed it even Elder Rigurd" a goblina said.

"You'll be misunderstood something Rimuru-san doesn't like me or anything" My face turn really red.

"Hehehe so you didn't notice Lady Shizu" Haruna said.

"Notice what?" I ask.

"Rimuru-sama is always looking at you when he have a chance and when he did he always smile" Haruna said with a joyful smile.

"Yes that's true and Kaijin-san also told me that Lady Shizu is Rimuru-sama's destined one" a Goblina said and then they all giggle.

"Eh! No no maybe you just misunderstood things there's no way Rimuru-san will like me" I said very embarrassed.

"Hehehehe that's not true Lady Shizu" Haruna said.

"Your the most beautiful woman in this village and your also the most kindest here"a Goblina said.

"That's why we won't mind if you marry Rimuru-sama" Gobte said.

I was very red and embarrassed for what they said Rimuru-san won't like me. After that conversation I walk with them this village is really something.

"Hmm Haruna-san where's Rimuru-san" I asked I haven't seen him this morning.

"Hehehe finding your future husband Lady Shizu" Haruna said teasing me.

"Eh! No no it's just I haven't seen him this morning he always check every part of the village" I said while my voice is a little high.

"Hehe just kidding Lady Shizu from what I heard Rimuru-sama is out of the village his in the cave of Veldora-sama but some goblins said that he go in the forest in such a hurry" Haruna said.

"I see but why did something happen" I asked.

"I don't really know Lady Shizu maybe something did really happen Rimuru-sama is always calm and thinking before he act" Haruna said.

"Should we help him" I said with worries.

"Hehehe your worrying to much Lady Shizu. You really don't want to be far away with Rimuru-sama" Haruna said teasing me again.

"Eh! No not like that it's just that I'm just worried" I feel my cheeks heat up when Haruna said all this thing.

"Hehehe don't worry Lady Shizu. Rimuru-sama is strong" Haruna replied and I felt comfortable after she said those words.

I don't really worry this much but why. When the topic is Rimuru-san I just got always embarrassed and my heart beats faster than normal. Do I like Rimuru-san. My mind is really getting mixed up. And when the sun is about to set I saw Rimuru-san with the other Goblins and some Ogre. After they arrive we had a feast that night.

This is just Shizu's point of view while Rimuru fight the Ogre.

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