After her visit on Tempest God Luminous or should we say Demon Lord Ruminas Valentine is sitting on her throne waiting for the arrival of her strongest knight Hinata Sakaguchi. After about an hour Hinata finally come to her. Hinata instantly kneel after she enter the throne room of her God or Demon Lord.
"I'm back Ruminas-sama" Hinata said with respect.
"Ah welcome back Hinata so what did you do this time?" Ruminas said.
"What do you mean?" Hinata asked.
"You only come here if I gave you orders or have something in your mind that's bothering you." Ruminas said looking at Hinata.
"Your right Ruminas-sama I have done something and I need your advice" Hinata said.
"I see then what is it" Ruminas asked but she already know what's troubling Hinata.
"It's about the King of the Monsters" Hinata said and Ruminas instantly smile while playing with her hair and a little red.
"I see so you fight Rimuru" Ruminas said still smiling while playing with her hair Louis and Roy is shocked on what they see. They have never see Ruminas with a smile so bright.
"How did you know him Ruminas-sama" Hinata asked.
"You see I've been watching him with my own eyes. I've been doing this for about 2 years." Ruminas said making her smile more brighter.
"Why did you do that for what reason you have to do it yourself Ruminas-sama" Roy asked.
"My brother is right Ruminas-sama you can just order us to do that" Louis said.
"Louis and Roy have a point why didn't you just order any of us" Hinata asked aswell.
"Fufufufu isn't it normal for a woman to watch over the guy she likes" Ruminas said with a cheerful voice.
"Eh? Ehhhh!!!!!!" Both Roy and Louis scream out of nowhere because the Ruminas that doesn't even like a single man before now fell in love with guy. What more surprising is the one who she fell in love with is the King of the Monsters the enemy of the church and religion that she created.
"What did you say Ruminas-sama are you certain" Roy asked.
"Of course I am" Ruminas replied with a very happy tone. Roy and Louis never see Ruminas this happy after thousands of years even after the attack of the Storm Dragon.
"So back to the point you fight Rimuru so how did it go?" Ruminas asked even she doesn't even know how strong Rimuru is so she's curious about his strength.
"It's not a fight it's more like a childs play he doesn't even attack me he just dodge every single attack I made and he even took straight ahead one of my strongest spell and doesn't even have a small scratch afterwards" Hinata said making Ruminas a bit more happy.
"Fufufu that actually makes sense so that's why he can control Veldora easily" Ruminas said making the 3 people infront of her make a face full of fear.
"H-He can control the Storm Dragon!?" Roy asked.
"That means his more powerful than Veldora" Louis said.
"Fufufu your quite lucky that Rimuru is the one you fought Hinata if it was Guy you fought you won't be even alive to tell the story" Ruminas said.
"So what's the reason you try to attack him anyway"Ruminas asked and stop playing with her hair.
"A merchant from east told me that Rimuru King of the Monsters killed my mentor Shizue Izawa" Hinata said.
"Shizu? Do you mean the black hair girl with a scar on her left eye?" Ruminas asked making Hinata shocked because Ruminas never meet Shizue.
"Yes that's her do you know something Ruminas-sama" Hinata asked.
"Yes I believe she's the Queen of the Monsters" Ruminas said making Hinata even more shocked.
"I see so she's really alive" Hinata said relieved and left the throne room bowing first before she leave.
"That means the King of the Monsters has a wife" Roy asked.
"Yes he does have a wife" Ruminas said.
"Do you want me to dispose of her so you can take her place Ruminas-sama" Louis asked.
"No that will only displeased my beloved and a King can have multiple wives so you two don't need to worry about it plus I already make a move of my own" Ruminas said with a beautiful smile on her face. Both Roy and Louis are shocked on what she just said.
"Now then I order all of you don't intervene with Tempest or it's people" Ruminas said and the two vampires nodded and left the throne room.

Restart Everything [That time I got reincarnated as a slime]
FanfictionRimuru Tempest start having dreams about Shizue Izawa it's been bothering him everyday he always think about her being alive but even if he can bring her back to life he thinks that his broking the promise he made with her but Ciel suggested that ho...