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The day of Walpurgis has come. I bring Valora, Shizu and Diablo with me but Diablo is hiding in my shadow. While Ramiris bring Beretta and Treyni with her. I make Treyni-san body two times better than before. And then Miss Mizari appear and greet us.

"Good afternoon Ramiris-sama" Mizari said and bow.

"Good afternoon Mizari can we enter now" Ramiris asked.

"Yes of course Guy-sama is waiting inside" Mizari said.

"Okay let's go Rimuru" Ramiris said and we enter the gate. As soon as we enter we see Guy sitting on his chair like last time. Then Ramiris fly towards Guy.

"It's been a long time Guy" Ramiris said with a happy tone.

"Yeah it's been hundreds of years since we last met" Guy said and look at me. And he stand up and walk towards my direction.

"You must be Rimuru right I'm Guy Crimson nice to meet you" Guy said and gave his hand wanted a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Demon Lord Guy" I said and gave him the handshake he wants.

"Cut the Demon Lord thing you can just call me Guy after all your a true Demon Lord unlike the others" Guy said.

"I see" I said and Guy walk back to his chair and I also sit on my chair. Then Dagruel enter followed Ruminas. She didn't disguise herself this time and she smile at me before she go to her sit. And after that Dino enter like last time Ramiris chatted with him after Dino enter Frey and the disguise Karion and then Leon enter but he stop Shizu confronted him.

"It's yo-" Leon said but before he can finish his sentence Shizu-san punch her. The Demon Lords look at her for that.

"That's for everything you do to make me suffer" Shizu said.

"Isn't your fault for not accepting Ifrit" Leon said.

"Okay calm down now Shizu-san" I said and massage her shoulder making her calm. And after that Clayman enter punching Milim what he doesn't know is Milim is not in her control.

"Let's not wait any longer let us begin this Walpurgis" Clayman said and accused me the same thing. But I said the words I said in the past now the fight will begin.

"Your a Demon Lord aswell Clayman defeat this Slime by yourself" Guy said.

"Very well then Milim kill Rimuru Tempest" Clayman said and Milim launch at me but Valora stop her.

"Let me handle Milim-neechan Uncle Rimuru" Valora said and neechan just forget it and he took out Viola and soon to be Kumara but Shizu-san fight both of them I also said that the fox is being controlled that's why she just make Kumara faint.

"Now I kill you myself" Clayman said.

"Huh I don't like fighting weak people Diablo take care of him" I said and Diablo came out of my shadow and Guy eyes widened after Diablo appeared.

"Kufufufu your wish is my command Rimuru-sama" Diablo said bowing to me.

"Do you think that a human can defeat m-" Clayman said but Diablo grab his neck.

"Ack how... A mare human" Clayman said.

"Your mistaken Diablo is not a human his a demon his known in the past as Noir the Primordial Black" I said and the other Demon Lord eyes widened to what I said. Guy on the other hand smirk. While on Valora's side.

Milim and Valora's fist clash both of them have a good fight but Valora in the other hand is pretty much a rival on normal form Milim. Valora learned his father's fighting style and she improve it making it a offense and defense fighting style. All the demon lords are shock because Valora can fight Milim in equal footing but Valora can't win against Milim that's for sure Milim is just playing around.

"Diablo I take care of the rest" I said.

"As you wish Rimuru-sama" Diablo said.

"Now I make you suffer a little" I said and slap Clayman and his head got separated from his body.

"That's not fun at all" I said and snap my finger and he came back to life again.

"H-How even the other Demon Lord can't do that!!" Clayman said.

"You see this barrier that Guy put is preventing your soul to escape" I said.

"Milim help me!" Clayman said.

"Why would I help you" Milim said while walking towards my direction with Valora.

"Wait aren't you under my control!?" Clayman said.

"You think a weakling like you can control me you better ask Frey how much I need to weaken myself just to look like this thing has an effect on me" Milim said then Frey and Clayman exchange words to each other.

"Well I already killed you once better finish it already I don't want to waste my time on you" I said and use my skill to devour him but I didn't destroy his soul I just put it inside my imaginary space for the time being I can still use him. After that we got back to our sits.

"Now I hereby declare Rimuru as a Demon Lord does anyone appose" Guy asked and all the Demon Lords didn't say a word.

"Then let's start I like to end this meeting and get to the banquet" Guy said and Karion came out and tell the whole story then Karion asked Milim about his nation. After that Karion and Frey step down on being a Demon Lord. And decided to become Milim's subordinates.

"By the way can I ask a question" Milim said while raising her hand.

"What is it" Guy asked.

"That Valora girl why did she call me neechan" Milim said catching the attention of all Demon Lords.

"Hmm Yeah why can you explain it Rimuru-kun" Guy asked. Well better tell them all.

"Well let Valora introduce herself" I said and all the Demon Lords look at Valora.

"My name is Valora Tempest I'm the daughter of Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest" Valora said and all the Demon Lords eyes widened not because of shock because of confusion. Why because when Milim was born Veldanava died after her birth but Veldora in the other hand didn't die or lose some of his power. Then they all ask me how did that happen.

"Well you see Valora actually spawn from Veldora's large amount of magicule after that she became a mindless monster called Charybdis but I fix everything so she was born again as a Dragonoid like Milim" I said and they all understand.

"I see but why call me neechan you look older than me" Milim asked.

"I maybe look older but you are older in age if you ask me Milim-neechan" Valora said.

This is just the part 1 just sayin ✌️

Restart Everything [That time I got reincarnated as a slime]Where stories live. Discover now