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Third Pov:

"WHAT IS GOING ON??!!??!" The God of Death bellows, carrying his unconscious son on his back flying away from the crumbling code around them. 

"I WILL EXPLAIN LATER JUST HURRY OR I MIGHT NOT REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE BEFORE I CAN!!!" ******** replies to his now shocked and worried fiancé. But it was also shocking how he could keep up by running, yet that was the least of their worries.

He knew more than to question his love, so he held his tongue and flew faster. 

Only then did Reaper notice something because he didn't understand its placement.  Gaining the attention of his paranoid glitch, he directed it to the oddity. ******** rushed towards it with the other holding their son in tow. He did something that confused the other, which was to surround them all with a shield. It was like one of his brother's shields, most likely a copy of abilities through the use of code. Even though the portal was included inside the shield, it was impressive if not functional. 

"Okay, I don't have too long to explain so listen up" The God of Death stayed silent willing for answers. And Goth, who would have to be told when he woke up, lay limp, which did worry both men but, again, was not the most important issue. (Can you all guess where I was going with this?) ******** took a deep breath and said "we need to split up" he was met with silence to then have Reaper try to interject so he cut him short 

"The only way we can be safe from the Multiverse reset is to split up, if we want to even have a chance to remember each other. And before you ask my family has already started their own schemes to keep their memories and both Xhris (pronounced Chris) and Xavier also Boo, Violet, G and their families are involved yet Ink won't be added to that as he is too young for it to even matter. However, their methods are done by taboo so can't do them without affecting the life and death balance. So we will do it differently, yet sadly I and our future boy will have to go away" he regrettably admitted as he was placing a hand on his stomach region "I will not be able to remember due to my potential destructive nature with the determination, i might even have a change in look and in personality... the little one might look the same when i give birth." He looked at them apologetically but couldn't care for the sadness as long as the two won't get hurt.

******** continued "But you and Goth won't" He looked straight at them during this "But it will seem blurry and i can't forget to mention I as a result will..." He looked off towards the side to where the crumbling was gaining on them "...Be overtaken... By glitches. I don't even know what i will look like as they won't even be white... this is what i mean by no longer look the same... But once you find us help me remember... Okay?" Reaper nodded his head in reply slightly crying but holding it back for the most part. As this time, his love was bawling his eyes out and the fact his voice didn't even glitch once impressed him deep down inside of him. he wiped some tears with his cloak still holding on tight to his unconscious son. "I love you Reaper please let me remember you and plEa5e Wa1T f-For m3 o-kay?" Reaper kissed him as a reply and ******** returned the quick, passionate and loved filled kiss. Reaper did this as he currently didn't trust his mouth to speak but then out of nowhere his 'creator' Gagster the God of Magic appeared. Alongside him with a portal. he started saying: 

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