A Sneak Peek of Blue's Loyalties!

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As I may take a while with rewriting the next part so here is a sneak peek of it!

It's cruel. However, Blue doesn't care less about it. Instead, he was so focused on trying to fix some wrongs he had made because of his two "teammates" he ended up ignoring them completely for the past few days. Not like Ink noticed, unknown to Blue he was too invested in what he believed was a simple side project involving Cross. And Dream was too fixated in denial to recognise the issues around him.

It was hard for him to get Nightmare's attention, not only had he worried that Blue was going to try to ambush him and his gang or something, but also worried that Blue might take advantage of his kindness. It wouldn't be the first time he had experienced such a predicament. Yet it opens Blue's eye sockets to how vulnerable the king of negativity truly is. It was kind of depressing. And when he learned of Blue's hope to try to help out Dust the way he suddenly grew protective and almost indestructible scary yet reliable was astonishing.

Nightmare's loyalties to his gang- to the people he almost, most definitely, viewed as his own children- were inspiring and terrifying. It made Blue regret any time they had fought, because now all he could view those times as him and the rest of the stars harassing a happy family, wounding and prejudicing against them when they were just trying to survive.

But Nightmare showed a softness that Dream had claimed to be dead. Once he realised that Blue was truly wanting to help, to give them all another chance. Seeing his regret and empathy, no pity just.. care and worry and hope.

He had then agreed to Blue's wish and helped him organise it. There of course was a "but".

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