Part two.... Reaper and his new 'Life'

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Me= underlined bold (by God has my old online drawings seem bad compared to my freehand drawings on paper- except I can draw side profiles better online than IRL)

Reaper= Normal

Life= underlined

(ReaperTale Papyrus) Grim= bold

ReaperTale Gaster=Tilted Underlined

Something to note as there will be no drink from THIS multiverse in this book, the Pallete that I'm conversing about is actually from DreamSwap! However, he is a result of a drunk DS!Dream getting his way with his Ink, both had too much to drink after a celebration and ended up doing the deed. Dream is not aware that this Pallete is related to himself in any way as he doesn't remember, DS!Ink on the other hand has a permanent reminder. Also unrelatedly, DS!Ink is currently in a relationship with DS!Error as they have many things in common and talk a lot without anyone else's knowledge. Telling each other many secrets. In fact, they are engaged.

(NOW BACK TO THE STORY and yes I change the notes in this too-)

Reapers Pov:

I'm living by myself... again. It isn't like Gothy is dead or anything, just... well Palet got his way and now they are well... married. It pains me to know my angle missed that special moment in our baby boy's life... Hell, I'm annoyed that I was the last to know of the engagement. But I am glad they are happy together. I just wish they lived in the same Multiverse. His husband is Pallet Roller (yes there shall be Poth in this but in order to not use the overused trope of them being completely oblivious to each other's feelings they are already married, I know, genius!). He and Goth decided to stay at Pallete's home, for good reason too. Pallete can provide for my son's every beck and need... admittedly better than myself as he did have riches. The kid is considered, well actually IS royalty.

At the very least, in this world, I have an amazing brother! He and I aren't truly "related" we just were made by the same creator, but I like to think of him as such. An amazing friend who turns out to be an awesome brother. Speaking of friends... damn I should stop reminiscing on the past but... Xhris and Xavier were amazing friends and I still have barely grieved over them. Wow.. I actually never put it into perspective yet... the more I dwell on them the more they remind me of the young chaps in underverse. That multiverse is crazy but the two, Cross and Chara, remind me so much of them. Well, I haven't heard of anything from them since that reset but, who knows! They could be the mischievous duo! Boy, who am I trying to kid? But they could be... It wouldn't hurt to check.

But I should do that later....

Most probably, the best course of action should be to get a second opinion on things, I have nothing to do anyway and I rather not bother Pap. War can be a bit much and Knowledge is busy... So to Life, I go!.... I should stop monologuing to myself...


"COME HOME SOON BROTHER OR YOU WILL MISS DINER!!! THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS PREPARED HIS GREAT SPAGHETTI!!!!" He replies to me with understanding and care, he is the coolest.

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