Part Five.... Blue's Loyalties PT1

205 12 1

me= Bold

No one= normal


No one's pov:

it's been several days since Blue fully understood the issue that is Dream and Several weeks since he started to ignore Ink's lies. He was regretful for not noticing sooner but what's done is done. The only thing he could do now was to make a change. And that first change was with Dust...

Way back he could have helped them, Blue knows this, but he was too scared and too indoctrinated. Yet that won't stop him from even attempting now. It wasn't the brightest of ideas but, he was doing it- Blue even reached out to Nightmare! The guy is the brother of the person who is trying to kill him. The brother of the guy Blue is supposed to be friends and co-workers with. Well supposed is like a loose term, Dream never actually was interested in being friends. Blue was just a means to an end for him to accomplish his goals, using him as a forever source of positivity for power to get at his brother.

It's cruel. However, Blue doesn't care less about it. Instead, he was so focused on trying to fix some wrongs he had made because of his two "teammates" he ended up ignoring them completely for the past few days. Not like Ink noticed, unknown to Blue he was too invested in what he believed was a simple side project involving Cross. And Dream was too fixated in denial to recognise the issues around him.

It was hard for him to get Nightmare's attention, not only had he worried that Blue was going to try to ambush him and his gang or something, but also worried that Blue might take advantage of his kindness. It wouldn't be the first time he had experienced such a predicament. Yet it opens Blue's eye sockets to how vulnerable the king of negativity truly is. It was kind of depressing. And when he learned of Blue's hope to try to help out Dust the way he suddenly grew protective and almost indestructible scary yet reliable was astonishing. 

Nightmare's loyalties to his gang- to the people he almost, most definitely, viewed as his own children- were inspiring and terrifying. It made Blue regret any time they had fought, because now all he could view those times as him and the rest of the stars harassing a happy family, wounding and prejudicing against them when they were just trying to survive.

But Nightmare showed a softness that Dream had claimed to be dead. Once he realised that Blue was truly wanting to help, to give them all another chance. Seeing his regret and empathy, no pity just.. care and worry and hope. 

He had then agreed to Blue's wish and helped him organise it. There of course was a "but".

The only way Nightmare could imagine helping Dust was by first helping them with their schizophrenia. And during this conversation, Blue had also realised that Dust didn't even go by male pronouns. Every flinch when Blue had referred to them as "him" or "he", every time Nightmare made sure to have great care by calling Dust with nonbinary terms and every time Blue had recalled a sadness within Dust at being grouped by the stars as "Nightmare and his boys!" or "The bad Guys!" made sense. Dust didn't... have a gender...

And Blue's guilt grew. 

Though Blue didn't dwell on it, immediately switching to the correct pronouns and how Nightmare's demeanour changed into something more grateful made Blue sure his decision was worth it. He was going to be a proper Star Sans by helping those who needed it by not helping those who believed they do. Not like the people Dream entertained because they were scared and needy. He was going to help those listed as bad due to things they couldn't control. Like the Bads and any negative AU that Dream didn't even make an attempt to help.

He should have realised it when he was first taken by Error. He is obviously suffering from Hapeaphobia and also is obviously a Kleptomaniac. He is, to his knowledge, a single father and his job actually mattered in the universe. Yet he was being discriminated against for it. And it didn't help how Error seemed to have a list of undiagnosed mental disorders... yet Blue didn't think the voices really count as a side effect- Blue was sure those were real as after going slightly insane in the AntiVoid, he learned he could hear them too- even when Error ignored them Blue was able to tell what they said and that it was actually what Error heard too. 

The AntiVoid had voices which could only be heard at a certain level of insanity... And Error's was too high. But one skeleton at a time, well monster. It wasn't just going to the Different Sans' Pap's and the occasional Gasters- any monster who genuinely needed the help would get it. Yet also not at the expense of Blue's own. He had learned his lesson. 

And now it is time for him to help others get better. Starting with Dust, unknowing of how much he is going to start to get close to him and eventually... well time will tell on this.

After he had discussed everything thoroughly with the DemiGod, Blue had gone back home. Deciding to spend some time in his AU first, as he needed the downtime. He may be very active, but Blue is still a sans who can get burnt out. For now, he was going to have a break and then help anyone who required it as you can't help others before you help yourself. 

If only his teammates listened to that logic, but now he couldn't quite bring himself to care, they have caused more harm than good after all.

he was looking forward to how this would turn out, yet for now, he would enjoy making tocos for him and his brother to enjoy for their dinner.

(soo, as you can tell this, is completely different to the chapter I had written before- but I think it will work better for this plot than what I had before as my pot was so chaotic I don't think it will be as enjoyable- soo I hope this chapter is liked and is more relaxed as before it was so fanon it made me cringe reading through it- for this, I wrote 1090 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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