Chapter 1: You Here Alone?

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As much as I loved New York City, I could definitely admit that living here was a disgusting hassle. Everything was painfully expensive - so much so that I had to live with two other people in a two bedroom, one bath apartment in Queens and work two jobs to even begin to survive. It was a struggle, but I did love it here and that made it all worth it.

Tonight was girls night, which meant that my roommate and our other girl friends went bar hopping around Manhattan until we were so shitfaced even the corner garbage can filled with city trash looked like a catch.

Unfortunately for me, my friends were straight. Well, mostly straight. Bailey was bi with a preference for men, and she was the only one I was able to talk to about liking women. So tonight, they'd all be looking for a man to go home with and I would just be drinking the night away.

I was too tired as of late to be bringing home women every weekend. Working two jobs and balancing life in between them was enough of a struggle that I just didn't have the time for one night stands, or an actual girlfriend for that matter.

So my friends were out on the dance floor getting more action than I could even imagine being appropriate for a public space and I was sitting with Bailey at a corner table. She was currently taking a break from the seemingly endless amount of men that had been clinging to her all night to have a drink with me. I was on my third or fourth of the night and I was starting to feel pretty damn good. Nights like these were the best, but the tomorrow mornings were always the worst.

"So, did anyone here catch your eye?" She questioned, her flushed face almost hidden in the darkness of the room.

I shook my head at her, taking another sip of my very fruity concoction. "I'm not looking."

"You're stubborn."

"And we need more drinks," I stood from the table and finished downing whatever was left in my glass. "It's time for some shots."

I left her to head over to the bar, determined to get everyone so drunk that they stopped questioning me about finding someone new. Getting the bartender's attention, I asked for four shots of tequila and another tropical drink. I had every intention of enjoying myself tonight with or without the girls joining in.

A woman slid up next to me at the bar, attempting to order a drink from the busy bartender. I turned slightly to get a better look at her. She was absolutely gorgeous, dressed up as if she was on a date, but had a look on her face that made it seem as if she had a hell of a lot on her mind.

I looked down at my drinks then back to her before sliding her one of the tequila shots. Her eyes shot down to the drink and then back at me.

"S'on me." I slurred slightly, mustering all my courage to even speak to someone who looked like she did. "Looks like y'need it."

I picked up one of the drinks and threw it back quickly, making a face as it burnt my throat all the way down to my belly. She hesitated before doing the same, slamming the glass down next to my own empty one. The bartender finally approached her and she ordered, but before she could pay I put a few bills down, not even bothering to count them.

"That one's on me too."

She smiled, accepting it and finally turned to fully face me.

"I'm Lizzie."

"Y/N," I replied, downing my second drink. "You here alone?"

She hesitated for a moment before nodding and I pushed her another shot. She smirked at me before picking it up and downing that one too. Clearly, she was someone who liked to party.

"You're welcome t'come join me and my friends." I tried my hardest to sound sober as I spoke to this ethereal woman. Of course there was a good chance she was straight but maybe a goddess like her could go both ways. What was I thinking? I wasn't here for that. But, damn, she was worth breaking my own rules for.

She shook her head at my offer and I did my best to hide my disappointment. I mustered up a small smile and nodded in understanding.

"S'okay. Hope you have a nice night."

I grabbed the remainder of my drinks and turned towards Bailey's table. I struck out and I wasn't even up at bat.

"Hey," her soft voice stopped me from walking away. "Can I buy you a drink?" Her eyes dropped down to the drinks in my hands and giggled. "Maybe not that kind of drink. Coffee, maybe?"

My eyes shined with an excitement I had long forgotten and I nodded enthusiastically. Maybe I was still in this one.

"Yeah, definitely. Lemme give you my number."

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