Chapter 10: Stay

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I just stared at her. All of my words were out the window, save for one, but my mouth didn't move. I couldn't move.


"A simple search would've told you that she's been engaged for a few years now."

She went on her phone and suddenly, mine went off, notifying me that I had gotten a text.

"That's just one article I found." I shook my head at her. "There's more."

"No, she-she would've told me," I whispered, the pain in my voice not going unnoticed by Kate.

She winced at the sound of my voice, but continued to go on.

"She's with a man, Y/N. You've been strung along. Tricked."

"That's not true!" I yelled, completely ignoring the fact that she had sent me 'proof'. I had to hear it from Elizabeth herself. "She wouldn't lie to me."

Before Kate could respond, I stormed into my room, slamming the door behind myself. No, it was impossible. Elizabeth wouldn't keep something like this from me ... right? Well, I had to know. I had to ask her right now.

I pulled out my phone, hesitating when I saw the text from Kate. Taking a breath, I opened it and clicked the link, scrolling through the article. It seemed to be true. He had given her a ring, they were seen together ...

Holding back tears, I called her, dreading the conversation.

"Hey, baby. Missed me already?"

"Are you engaged?"

I cut straight to the point, no greetings, no false cheerful hellos.


"Are you ... engaged?"


"Please don't lie," my voice was small and hurt. "Just ... tell me the truth."

She was silent for a moment, only the sound of her hazards were audible in the painful silence.

"Only in the public eye."


"It's ... it's for appearances. Nobody knows I'm bisexual, even I didn't really know. Robbie and I were engaged, but we've been separated for a long time. He has a girlfriend and I have you. We just ... never announced it to the world."

"How can I believe that?" I cried, sniffling pathetically. "How do I know that's true?"

"I never lied to you, Y/N."

"But you never mentioned this either!"

"I ..." she sighed. "I'm coming back. We need to talk about this in person."

For a moment, I wanted to tell her to stay the hell away from me, but I didn't. Thank god, I didn't.

"Okay," I whispered, knowing she was right. "Okay."

"Thank you," she breathed. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

I hung up without another word, tears flowing down my cheeks. The night had been so perfect before this. I walked back out into the living room, thankful that Kate had retreated into her own room for the night. She'd caused enough trouble - all because her relationship was in shambles.

I paced, wringing my fingers as I tried to calm myself down. This was a nightmare. What she said on the phone had made sense. And why did she have to announce her private breakup to the world?

Because she's a celebrity, I snapped at myself.

But she's still a person.

She was still a person. She deserved privacy despite her celebrity status. Running my hands over my face, I sighed. Maybe this was just me overreacting to old news. Maybe she was telling the truth.

Just a Phase (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now