Chapter 2

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No one's P.O.V.

Genya finally made it to (Y/N)'s house and knocked on the front door. "Go away!" (Y/N) mumbled voice shouted at him. "C'mon (n/n)-chan, just open the door." Genya told her. (Y/N) opened the door, let Genya in before slamming the door shut and running back to her room. "(n/n), really? You know you can talk to me, right?" Genya began trying to comfort her as he entered her room. (Y/N) had her face in a pillow and what sounded like muffled crying and a bit of angered screaming was heard. 

Genya sat down next to (Y/N) on her bed. He patted her head and (Y/N) looked up with red rimmed eyes. "What're you doing?" She asked while wiping her eyes. "I thought that this might help comfort you." Genya replied. "Thanks..." (Y/N) mumbled as she let go of the pillow and snuggled up to Genya. Genya was shocked, normally (Y/N) would be extremely flustered and he would snuggle her so she would be happy but now it was the other way around. 

"You should-d probably change out of your Hanfu..." Genya told (Y/N) while silently cursing himself for stuttering. "You're right. Maybe we should just stay here and watch a movie." (Y/N) suggested before beginning to untie her Hanfu. Genya dashed out the door, he might have a crush on (Y/N) but he's decent enough to not watch a girl change.

Genya sat down on (Y/N)'s couch and waited for her to exit her room. When (Y/N) sat next to Genya, she was wearing an extra large greyish-yellow sweater. It was so big on her that it slipped off one of her shoulders. In fact, it looked more like a dress than a sweater on her because of it's size.

 In fact, it looked more like a dress than a sweater on her because of it's size

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(This is what you're wearing ^)

 "Which movie should we watch? I'll let you choose this time." Genya told (Y/N). (Y/N) tapped her finger on her chin and stuck out her tongue slightly before coming up with her ideal movie choice since they couldn't watch the demon slayer movie.

"Let's watch (insert favourite movie)! It's awesome!" (Y/N) exclaimed happily. Genya nodded in agreement, he was so glad that (Y/N) wasn't that upset anymore. 'Maybe I should get her Hanfu fixed. She did spend a lot of time on it after all.' He thought to himself as (Y/N) turned on the movie. The movie began playing and (Y/N) eventually fell asleep due to her being tired from dancing and crying since both took a lot of energy.

(Y/N) laid her head on Genya's shoulder and softly snored as she slept. Genya felt his cheeks warm up as he continued watching the movie and trying to ignore (Y/N), hoping that his feelings would just go away. He really didn't want things to be awkward between them, he had been (Y/N)'s friend since they were little kids. 

He continued watching the movie until (Y/N) wrapped her arms around him and snuggled closer to Genya in her sleep. Genya's face was a bright red now. 'Why do I have to have a crush on my best friend! Maybe I should pretend to have a crush on another girl so things between us don't become weird...' He thought to himself.

Genya gently unravelled (Y/N)'s arms from around himself, placed her head on the couch, wrote her a note and left. 

The note read:

I went home after you ended up falling asleep part way through the movie. I won't be able to walk you to school tomorrow but I'll still see you there. 

Your friend,


After about an hour, (Y/N) noticed the missing warmth and woke up. 'Where's Genya?' She thought to herself. She saw the note on the table and read it to herself. 'So he went home. Okay, I better hop in bed. That's much better than sleeping on the couch.' She decided as she made her way to her bedroom.

She was in front of her bed when suddenly, she felt a strong headache and passed out. 

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Word count: 735 words

Happy Reading! Sayonara! Stay Safe! ~Author-san

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