Chapter 3

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(This is the uniform but in summer you don't wear the sweater ^)

No one's P.O.V.

Today was a school day for (Y/N). So, she got up and got herself ready before changing into her uniform, making herself breakfast, eating, packing her bag and leaving to walk to school. She began her walk to school and then saw Nezuko with dirt on her face and tears in her eyes.

"Hey! Are you ok?" (Y/N) asked as she walked up to Nezuko. "No, not really..." She muttered. (Y/N) got some sanitizing hand wipes from her bag and began to wipe the dirt off Nezuko's face. "Who did this to you? This seems very cruel." (Y/N) questioned. "I don't know the girl's name but she had blue eyes, long blonde hair and pale skin." Nezuko described the girl for (Y/N) and (Y/N) knew who it was. "Ranshaku Sakura. That's who did this." (Y/N) said with malice laced in her voice. 

(Y/N) finished wiping the dirt off Nezuko's face before standing up and extending a hand to her. "I think we might go to the same school, judging by the uniform you're wearing." (Y/N) told her as Nezuko grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and hoisted herself up. "Can we be friends? You seem really nice." Nezuko told (Y/N). A slight blush appeared on (Y/N)'s cheeks. "Of course! Now, let's walk to school, we don't want to be late." (Y/N) replied. They began walking and chatting about random things before they arrived at the school. 

"I can't believe we're already here! I guess time does fly when you're having fun." (Y/N) exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. (Y/N) saw Genya near the entrance of the school talking to his brother. Nezuko and (Y/N) ended up ignoring him and going to their lockers. (Y/N)'s shoe locker was on the ground, so she had to bend over to grab her shoes. Three guys were watching as she did this.

⚠️Warning! Don't read unless you want to bleach your eyes!⚠️

"What do you think her panties look like?" One of them asked (I'm freaking cringing in asexual right now but teenagers are like this, so I must write them like this...). "Let's bet on it." Another replied. "I think white and lacy." the first guy said. "Maybe cute little frilly panties." the second added as his face morphed into one of excitement. "Or maybe a thong. That would be hot." The third guy said while slightly drooling.

Weird part over.

They began watching (Y/N) but stopped when Genya stood in front of them. "What the hell man!?" The first guy exclaimed. "Don't stare at girls like that you creeps. No wonder none of you three have a girlfriend." Genya scoffed at the them. The boys felt extremely embarrassed and left.

(Y/N) didn't take any notice to this, she had already changed her shoes and was making her way to class. She sat down on a chair and desk set that was in the centre-left area of the classroom. She opened her bag and pulled out a book before beginning to read. (Insert book) was very interesting, it was almost (Y/N)'s favourite but it could never compare to (Insert favourite book). 

Someone began laughing near the door and (Y/N) looked up from her book. It was Sakura, (Y/N)'s expression darkened as Sakura began snicking and pointing at someone on the other side of the door before mocking them.

"LoOk At Me! I'm MiTsUrI aNd I'm So PrEtTy WiTh mY sTuPiD bRaIdS! I'm SuCh A sImP! I aNnOy PeOpLe BeCaUsE I'm A sImP fOr EvErYoNe!" Sakura began mocking and making fun of Mitsuri. (Y/N) was pretty pissed off at Sakura now. First, she rips (Y/N)'s hanfu, then she gets dirt on Nezuko's face and makes her cry, and now she mocking and making fun of Mitsuri. 

"Leave her alone Ranshaku-san! She didn't do anything to you!" (Y/N) shouted at the crude girl. Sakura turned to (Y/N) and wrinkled her small nose like she smelled something bad. "Excuse me? You can't tell me what to do!" Sakura replied with resentment clear in her voice.

[DISCONTINUED] Yandere Demon slayer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now