Q & A: Answers

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Hello everyone! I'm back from Vacation and am now answering your questions!

Starting with @Zero_lies  questions:

1. Genya, when did you first realize your feelings for Y/n?

Genya has been friends with (Y/N) since childhood, and eventually in middle school he realized he had a crush on her. He didn't know how to confess to her, so he kept it a secret.

2. Y/n, if you had a choice to go back to your original world, would you?

She probably wouldn't because she lost most of her pregame memories and because Demon slayer was one of her favourite animes of all time. In fact, she'd give away everything she owned in her past life to continue with this one.

3. Sakura, how would you feel if people favored Y/n over you?

She would be very hostile towards (Y/N) when no one's around. At least when she thinks no one's around or watching. She'll ignore the other people she bullies, including her best friend and focus her time on getting boys to favour her over (Y/N).

4. How did Genya and Y/n meet?

In preschool, Genya was alone because other kids were afraid of him and (Y/N) noticed this. She asked him if he wanted to play with her and they became good friends after that and always have each others backs.

5. Y/n, how much would you rate the original game, 0-10?

She'd rate the original game a 3/10.

 6. Genya, what do you think happened when Y/n tripped?

(Y/N) is very graceful in her kimonos/ dresses and practices walking in them so she won't trip (even though she's till kinda clumsy but we all are). So, he thinks someone stepped on (Y/N)'s dress especially because the back of her skirt was ripped.

7. Sakura, how do you feel towards 'Nezuko Kamado' who also placed higher than you?

Sakura was pretty upset that Nezuko placed higher than her but her main hatred is saved for (Y/N). Sakura will be rude and hurt Nezuko but she'll put more effort into hurting (Y/N).

8. Mitsuri, if you saw what happened to Y/n, then, how did you feel?

(I'm not sure which part of the book you're talking about. So I'm going to assume it's when Sakura ripped (Y/N)'s dress.) She probably would've been mad at Sakura because (Y/N) was very nice plus the dress was handmade because no store had a dress like that for sale, meaning that Sakura destroyed (Y/N)'s handiwork. She would dislike Sakura a lot if she knew what happened.

Next up is LavenderBb-chan's questions:

Are there female love interests? 

Yes, there are female love interests because it's different from the original game. But not every female will be a romantic yandere, some will be platonic.

Are the demons also love interests?

Yup! I love quite a few of the demons and a lot of people do as well, so of course I added them!

Who's your favorite demon?

It's actually a tie between Tamayo and Nezuko. They're both great characters!

Now it's time for @hellomelon8's questions!

how long will it take for the characters to go yandere?

I usually do slow burns but to make it accurate, some characters will fall 'in-love' (become obsessed) with (Y/N) more quickly.

when will sakura die because she is evil.

Sakura is pretty important to the plot as our main antagonist but she will d!e eventually.

And last but not least, @Art_Laur  's question!

is this a game bassed off of the actual anime or is it more modern? cause like..tv's and stuff

It's a high school au game, so it's more modern but it does still have some aspects of the anime. The student council will be the Hashira, with the president as Kagaya. Any delinquent or mis-behaving student will most likely be a demon (Minus Nezuko, Yushiro, and Tamayo cause they're good demons).

Those were all the questions I received for this book! Thank you for your questions and I look forward to writing more chapters for this book!

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