seeing you cry: natasha romanoff

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i woke up and something was just off. i was extremely tired, and i felt sad without a particular reason. i saw nat sleeping peacefully next to me, and it made me a bit happier. i wish we could just cuddle and lay in bed all day, but she had a mission, so i just curled up next to her until her alarm went off.

she woke up and tried to get out of bed without waking me up, but that didn't really work. i hated when she went on missions alone, it made me worry if something bad would happen to her. i followed her to the bathroom and wrapped my arms around while she brushed her teeth.

"well good morning to you too," she whispered. i didn't respond, just stood on my tiptoes so i could kiss her cheek. she smiled and looked down at me, but her smile quickly faded.

"you look tired, is something wrong?" i shook my head in response. "are you sure? we can always send clint on that mission."

"i'm sure," i mumbled into her chest. i laid in bed while she finished getting ready, and when she was done, she came to kiss my forehead.

"i love you, i'll be back before you know it," she said softly.

"i love you more," i said. now i'm regretting telling her to go on this mission. as soon as she left, i fell back asleep. i didn't want to think about my sadness right now.

i woke up a couple hours later and checked my phone, natasha should be back by now. i couldn't help but think, what if something bad happened to her? tears formed in my eyes, what would i do without her? i started sobbing, even thought she was most likely alright, the thought of losing her brought me to tears. i sat there crying for about thirty minute when i heard my door open.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" i couldn't see who it was, but the voice was enough to know it was natasha. i wiped my eyes so i could see her.

"i'm sorry, i was just worried about you," i said through sobs.

"worried about me? y/n i'm not going anywhere," she said softly while pressing a kiss to my cheek. she then wrapped her arms around me and pulled us back to lay down. "i will never do anything that will take me away from you."

she turned on a show that she knew was my favorite, and watched it with me until i was asleep on her chest.

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