meeting your parents: wanda maximoff

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i wasn't too nervous about wanda meeting my parents, she was kind to everyone she met, so how could they not love her?

she had woken me up at 9, just like she does every morning by pressing soft kisses to my forehead and playing with my hair. i always opened my eyes to see her auburn hair and beautiful blue eyes. waking up next to her was something i never wanted to stop.

i watched as wanda put on her makeup that she sure as hell didn't need. how someone could be so naturally beautiful was something i couldn't comprehend. i picked out an outfit that would be fitting for dinner with my mom and dad, and decided on a light brown cardigan, white shirt, and a lighter pair of mom jeans.

"how do i look?" i asked wanda while doing a little twirl for her.

"beautiful, as always," she said while blushing, even though she would never admit that she still blushes over me.

on the car ride to my parent's house, wanda had the aux and played all the music we listened to as teenagers. it had been crazy to think that we had known each other for so long and she had never met my parents.

as much as i loved her world tour, she was asleep about 30 minutes into the car ride. i guess that's karma for waking me up so early. i looked over to her peacefully sleeping with her head resting on the window, however i have no idea how she got so comfortable.

i lightly squeezed her hand when we arrived at my parent's house, but she was sleeping too heavily for that.

"wanda, baby we're here," i said softly. her eyes slowly fluttered open. she whined a bit about having to get up, but she did after a few kisses.

dinner was great, she made great conversation with my parents, she helped clean up after dinner, and they loved her, which i already knew they would. after dinner we sat on the couch to watch a movie with my family, and it didn't take long for me to start falling asleep on wanda's shoulder. wanda noticed this almost immediately.

"come on sleepyhead let's get you home," she whispered. we said goodbye to my parents and thanked them for dinner, and of course they said wanda was welcome back anytime. i was fighting sleep at the beginning of the car ride, but i soon fell asleep after wanda told me she didn't mind to carry me in. i woke up the next morning to her kissing my forehead and playing with my hair, just like it has been, and how it always will be.

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