seeing you cry: carol danvers

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carol is such a strong woman, i never see her cry, so why should i cry in front of her?

i broke down into tears while carol was on a mission, which was better than crying in front of her. she's incredibly strong, and it makes me embarrassed to be emotional around her. i sat on the floor with my head in my knees. how could i be so pathetic? stupid? emotional?

carol came through the doors immediately ready to go to sleep. she didn't even realize me in the floor at first.

"JESUS CHRIST- oh it's just you. what's wrong?"


"y/n we've been together long enough for me to recognize when something's up with you."

"i'm just upset, and i didn't want you to see me because you never cry."

"well that doesn't mean it's not okay to cry, come here," she said while patting the spot next to her on our bed. "i'm getting us food," she said while getting up to leave the room. she came back with all my favorite snacks, even the ones i didn't know we kept in the house.

"can we watch knives out?" i mumbled.

"as much as i hate knives out, i'm saying yes because it's you," she whispered back and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "i love you."

she ended up staying home the next day. her phone was blowing up with things she needed to do, but she simply ignored it. "i'll do it tomorrow," she says. we all know she's not going to do it tomorrow.

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