seeing you cry: wanda maximoff

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i was missing my life before the avengers. i missed my parents and siblings. after letting my mind wander for a while, tears started to fill my eyes. i didn't usually like to cry because i hated people seeing me cry, but i was alone. wanda was baking, and everyone else was either busy or on a mission. i sat there for a while just thinking about the memories i had of my family. i felt so alone even though i had found a new family.

wanda walked in with a plate of cookies that she had frosted and put little heart sprinkles on. i didn't want to look up at her, i just smiled and took a cookie from the plate. she noticed something off with me, she always realizes when i'm upset.

"y/n, look at me," she said with her beautiful accent. i looked up and showed her my tear stained face. her soft smile immediately fell. "why didn't you come get me?" she asked.

"didn't wanna bother you," i said in response. she sat beside me and laid my head on her shoulder.

"you know you could never bother me. so what's bothering you?"

i didn't tell her immediately, but she didn't read my mind. that's what i loved about her, she never invaded my privacy. eventually i just explained to her that i missed my old life.

"i get it. i really do, so you shouldn't feel like you're alone, ever."

for the rest of the night we talked about our families and ate cookies, and eventually i fell asleep next to her.

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