In Which the Sky is Made of Diamonds

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At this point the plot = slow. The Flock is trying to ease themselves into their new life, but I will introduce an actual plot sometime soon (maybe five chapters down the road, after all of the fun stuff.) Enjoy!


I let out the breath that I didn't realize I had been holding in, ripping the hat from my head and joining Nudge in the Gryffindor section. At least I was together with one member of my Flock.

"Students, you are house's head boy and girl will lead you to the dormitories." Professor McGonagall picked up the sorting hat and scroll, exiting through a side door with the rest of the professors.

Nudge and I stood. I locked eyes with Fang and he sent me a silent message. I'll find you later. He waved goodbye before following his house out of the hall. Iggy went with the crowd up to Ravenclaw Tower. Gryffindor was next to last to get out of the hall. God, this was taking forever.

"C'mon, Nudge, let's make it to the front of this line," I grumbled, Nudge and I clasping each other's wrists so we wouldn't be separated in the crowd, but as soon as we reached the beginning of the Gryffindor group a wall of students my age blocked us.

"Excuse me, but first years are shown to the dormitories before other students," a girl with brown hair that needed some serious deep conditioning said. She had a cursive 'P' badge stitched onto her robes and a serious expression on her face. "What year are you in?"

"Eh, not sure exactly," I replied. "I could ring Dumbledear up and ask."

"Oh, are you two the new transfer students?" The girl perked up, her brown eyes lit with a spark.

"Yes, it is them!" The red haired boy next to her exclaimed. "'Mione, these are the people that fell in my food at the feast!"

"Ignore him," she rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand to shake. "I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ronald. You are?"

"Maximum Ride." I reluctantly shook her hand, taking every precaution to avoid being judo flipped, even though she didn't seem like the judo flipping type.

"Hi, I'm Nudge!" Nudge jostled me to the side to shake everyone's hand. Boy, she'll be popular in her grade.

"Well," Hermione looked over the tops of the crowd of students. "Ron and I have to direct the first years, but you can join us if you like since you haven't seen the dormitories before." She turned around and began to walk away, herding the younger children into a clump.

"Come on," Ron gestured for us to follow them up the stairs. So far, so good, until the staircase began to move.

"Woah nelly." I held the railing of marble staircase as it shuddered, connecting with a different floor than it did with the previous group of students. The staircases of Hogwarts were really something to see. Layers upon layers of moving pathways and the doors that went with them were stacked along the walls with paintings that moved and talked, more often than not hiding a secret entrance to somewhere else. I caught a glimpse of blue as the Ravenclaws ascended to a tower that I guess was where they stayed.

"Did you have charmed staircases and enchanted paintings at your last school?" Hermione asked.

"Ha, well," I trailed off, trying to keep up the guise that we had studied magic before. "Not really. We were more, uh, low key."

"Interesting." Hermione said, facing a painting of a Weight Watchers member in a pink dress.

"Password?" the fat lady asked.

"Baubles," Hermione said and the painting swung inward.

First year students began to pour into the common room, Nudge and I hanging around in the back until they had all gone off to look at their rooms. I couldn't believe my eyes, I mean the place was bigger than our last house and it must have some serious smaller-on-the-outside technology to be able to contain the rather boisterous Gryffindor house. A fire was crackling to my right, ringed by high-backed velvet armchairs that older students lounged in, reading books or talking. One hurriedly put out some sort of cigarette when Hermione stepped into the room.

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