Chapter 8: His Choice

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Demi's POV:

Show day. This was it. The first show of twenty over the next three months. Wow, i thought. I can't believe the day has finally come. It feels like I'd been preparing for this for a whole year and now the hour was upon me. I shuddered, an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It had been over a year since I had given a full show in front of a large crowd of people. And now I could hear the chants from the audience on the other side of the curtain.

"Demi... Demi... Demi..." they cried. It was loud and I felt half exhilarated, half nervous.

You can do this Dem, I reassured myself. It was hot tonight and I could already feel the beads of sweat form on my forehead. No doubt by the end of the night you’ll be sweat soaked through and through, I thought. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave my hair down. The stylist’s choice was to leave my hair flowing over the flower printed knee length, baby doll waist dress I was wearing. I had had a choice of whether to wear a black diamond encrusted jacket over it but the heat tonight had made it impossible to do so.

My crew was running around getting final things in order. My family was in the audience. Selena was in the dressing room doing her last minute touch ups. Joe too was also in the audience tonight.

“Good luck” he had said an hour or so earlier, lightly planting a kiss on my forehead then finding his way to his seat in the theatre.

I had smiled meekly in response. Even Joe couldn’t suppress this anxiety.

I was ridiculously flapping the ends of my dress to fan myself when I noticed Nick come up to me.

“Feels crazy huh?” he said, smiling at me. “To be back here I mean.” He was wearing one of his usual flannel shirts with black jeans. This shirt was red and black. He already had his guitar slung around his neck. He too was wiping sweat from his brow.

I looked on him in surprise. He hadn’t exactly been the most courteous of guests this past week. In fact he had been just downright dreadful. After our little spat the other day we hadn’t spoken at all. He made easy work of avoiding me ninety percent of the time. I had wanted to try talking to him again but the show had kept me busier than usual.

He must have seen my look because he followed up with “Hey look, I’m sorry about being a pain in your backside this whole week. I’m not trying to make any excuses but things weren’t panning out right for me at all”

“I wish you could’ve let me help you though” I replied, evenly. I was still mad at him but I figured with tonight being the show and all I would just let it go. He had hurt me deeper than I cared to let on. Part of me still cared for him, even with Joe taking up most of my time. I couldn’t shake it and I had stopped fighting it and tried avoiding it instead.

“Yeah I know. I let it get to me more than I should have” He was looking me with a look of sorrowfulness in his eyes. “But don’t worry it will all be okay now” he continued, the sadness still lingering there.

“Nick I wish you would talk to me” I began, fretfully. “You know if there’s anyone you can talk to, it’s me”

“I know” he nodded unconvincingly. “Thanks Dem” he managed a small smile but the sadness still lurked there in his beautiful dark eyes.

I don’t know what it was but instinct took over me at that same moment as I reached out and wrapped my hands around his neck in embrace. I felt him stiffen and then gradually he relaxed. Next thing I recall he had wrapped his arms around my waist and held onto me. I felt desperation in the way he held me, but of course I was probably over thinking things. Unexpectedly though, just standing there with our arms around each other I felt something I had never felt with Joe before. I felt at home. The feeling of comfortability being in Nick’s arms was something I had never had before with another guy. I felt safe. I felt like I belonged. I felt like I could hold on forever.

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