Chapter 28: The Break Up

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This chapter is dedicated to MsCE14 one of my long supporting readers, thank you I'm so grateful babe :) 


Niall’s POV:

She seems so distant lately.

I don’t quite know what to do about it.

“Talk to her man” Liam had told me in the recording studio.

“Yeah don’t ever sweep things under the rug, I should know.” Harry added.

They were right but the thing was I didn’t know how I was going to go around talking to her about it. What if all she needed was time?

There was one person who would tell me what I had to do, Selena. She was Demi’s friend and she was also a close confidante I had found unexpectedly. Selena was amazing. Just as Demi was amazing too. It was no wonder they were such close friends.

“I’’ve noticed too. I’m sorry Niall I feel so bad for you, do you want me to talk to her?” Selena had answered when I had called her.

“No, its my job to talk to her. I just wanted your advice or thoughts Sel”

“Someone definitely needs to talk to her. If it’s bothering you as much as it’s to me, you need to do it soon. Just ask her straight out what’s up. Demi likes people who are straight forward with her.”

“Yeah I agree. Okay thanks Selena. I’ll talk to you more after I’ve done it.” I replied, nervously.

“And Niall?”


“You’re a great guy. Whatever comes of it, its not your fault okay.”

“Thanks” I replied unconvinced.


Demi’s POV:

“You’re home early” I said to Niall, kissing him on the cheek as he plodded down next to me.

“Yeah well I asked them if I could come home early” he replied.

“Why?” I asked curious. “Is there a special occasion, did I forget anything?” it wasn’t like of Niall to come home early when they were already busy recording their third album.

“Actually I wanted to talk to you about something” he admitted, in a serious voice.

“Go on” I responded, slightly uncomfortable.

He shifted around on the couch to face me full on.

“Demi you need to tell me what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” I replied, biting my lip and avoiding his blue eyes.

“I feel like I don’t know you anymore. You don’t talk to me as much anymore. What gives?”

“It’s work Niall I told you I’m just tired-“

“Demi don’t feed me that crap!” he cut in. “You’re not the same anymore. You don’t even let me hold you let alone anywhere near you anymore. Are you that revolted by me?”  there was already a desperation in his voice.  

“It’s not you!” I blurted out before I could withhold myself.

He seemed taken back by my burst of emotion.

“Then what is it? Tell me Demi? Whatever it is tell me?” he pleaded, now on the verge of tears.

I knew then I owed this lovely boy the truth. As much as it pained me to tell him and break him, it was what he deserved.

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