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Hey besties 😀😀

It's been a while lololol

But what the title says is true, I am going to rewrite this book.

And theres a few reasons.

1. Its mf cringy and I'm almost too embarrassed to read it.
2. I need to fix my grammar. Its improved a lot since then.
3. Story goes kinda too slow, I need to change some major plot points
4. Kansas ✨✨

I've been on a hiatus, and I'm technically back now.

But when school starts again in a few months, I will be taking a hiatus because I'm taking ap calc ab and ap euro as a sophomore with all honors classes and a shit ton of clubs, and school is always my first priority.

I hope y'all understand that,,,,

And also, I have summer hw that my ap calc teacher gave me so yea,,,

I'll be deleting the chapters and rewriting them slowly, so please stop telling to update, I've said it many times but it geta frustrating when theres ppl getting upset, but I clearly wrote a note on the first chapter and on the cover thingy of the book.

Anyways, have a good day ✨✨

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