"Yes Kadence, I'm on my way back now-"
"Girl-yes I got your nasty ass Doritos-"
"Bye musty" Leilani laughed as she was walking up to her and her best friends apartment in Atlanta.
Once a month Lani and her best friends would set aside a night to eat a bunch of junk foods and watch a movie just to take a breather from busy class work to spend time with each other.
As I made my way in the door I was greeted by my best friend Asija.
"Hey stinkkkkk." She dragged out.
"Hey girl" I laughed "Here's your gummy worms, what we about to watch?" I asked.
"Kadence picked so probably Think Like A Man." She rolled her eyes playfully.
"Not again." I said. Kadence has a had a obsession with Think Like A Man and the sequel since we were around 10. She can't even describe what her fascination is with it for me to tell you. I think it's because that's how she sees us in the future but who knows.
"I know right- Hold on my man is calling!" Asjia said.
"Bye i'm gonna go get Kadence love sick ass!" I said walking away.
"And I will do it again bitch!" Asjia called after me dying laughing.
As I went to go get Kadence I stopped in my room to put my pajamas on and my new bundles in my bonnet just because I knew I would probably get tired while watching. After I did that I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, you know the nightly routine.
"There you are!" Kadence said.
"I was just gonna come get you after I brushed my teeth so we can watch this movie." I said.
"Yea we will be in here waiting and don't take forever unless you wanna fight bitch you know I love this movie!!" Kadence yelled walking away.
"Whatever" I said chuckling
About 10 minutes later Lani came running in with her blanket hopping on their Long L shaped couch, making herself comfortable next to Kadence putting her feet in Asjia's lap.
"Okay let's get this party started besties!" Kadence said.
Asjia then turned on the tv and they began watching their movie."Kevin Hart is so freaking funny." I laughed
"Girl right" Kadence said crying laughing.
As the movie ended the girls were just sitting around watching tiktoks and showing eachother when Leilani thought about something.
"Asjia what are we gonna do for your birthday?""I'm getting her a cake that says, OMG YOU SURVIVED TEEN PREGNANCY" Kadence laughed.
"Bitch I hate you" Asjia said cracking up.
"No but seriously I don't know maybe we can go to a club our something y'all can meet some niggas and I can shake some ass on mine, I'm sick of seeing all these females at Spelman I mean I love y'all but damn can I see a fine nigga to make mine a little jealous..?" Asjia joked