»»◈𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 5◈««

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✔︎ 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 991


the next morning came around and it was now Monday.

"atsumu get up off your ass and get the ball yourself" osamu yelled. "I am!! shut up"

the inarazaki volleyball team was doing their usual morning practice that consisted of the twins yelling at eachother every change they get and kita and aran telling them to shut up while suna just sat on the floor ignoring it all.

"guys were visiting nekoma for a practice match after school so make sure you're back in the gym by 4:30" the coach announced and everyone nodded.

suna stood up and walked to class while the twins were bickering behind him since they were heading toward the same classroom.

"can you guys shut the fuck up? you're so loud" suna sighed as he smacked the two upside down their heads. all three of them then entered their first class before taking their seats as they waited for the teacher.

suna rested his head onto his arm that was resting on his desk. he closed his eyes but felt his phone vibrate which made him reopen them.

he checked his phone and saw that y/n texted. "aww did your girlfriend text you?" atsumu said with his head over suna's shoulder. "move fucko" suna said as he aggresivley pushed atsumu away.

(annoying ass mf🦧)

hi mf

hey aren't you in class rn

nope i pulled a all nighter with kenma then i fell asleep and overslept so I'm walking to school rn😎


yessirrr I'm weird asf so nobody is gonna wanna kidnap me 😩


anyways I'm tired asf 🤪

that's your fault for staying up so late

I couldn't mf sleep :(

sounds like a personal problem 😐

it is.🖕

ah oh yeah inarazaki is coming to nekoma later for practice

lol i go to nekoma

no shit mf

well i never told u so how tf do yk?

you said kenma and kurro was your bestfriend so i figured

ahh i see, i see
anyways i won't be at the school after 4pm 🤪


because I'm gonna be at home sleeping 😜 unless I get forced to stay :P

well you better get forced mf bc i wanna bully u in person 🥰

see u just admitted to bullying me😐

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