»»◈𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 28◈««

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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 942


after their shower, suna and y/n went downstairs to get dinner since y/n was going to spend the night. they both went downstairs as y/n continuously tried to push suna down.

"y/nnnn you're gonna make me fall" suna groaned. "thats the point" she laughed and pushed him again. suna turned around and lifted y/n by the waist, carrying her downstairs. "YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME" y/n said out of fear.

"nah you'll be fine" suna answered and they finally got to the bottom of the stairs. "hey mom" y/n smiled to suna's mom as suna set her down. suna glared at y/n before going over into the kitchen and sitting on top of the island.

"rintarou get your ass from down there! thats unsanitary" his mom said, repeatedly hitting him on top of his head. "oww, okay okay" suna jumped off. y/n, who was busy playing around with akane then took his place and sat on top of the island.

"how does she get to sit up there??" suna whined. "because she's allowed to" she walked over to the stove and continued cooking dinner. suna went over to y/n and propped his head up on his elbows, cheek in his palm.

"so rin are you going to that fair next week?" his mom asked, eyes still focused on the stove. "mhm, im bringing y/n with me and whoever else wants to come" he answered with a yawn.

y/n was distracted on her phone with a slight smile on her face and suna got curious, taking a glance over to her screen. y/n was watching a random ass video of suna preforming a play in elementary school.

"y/n where the fuck did you get that video from?!" suna said, grabbing y/n's phone and hiding it behind himself. "rintarou language!" his mom groaned. suna mumbled an apology then focused back to y/n.

"the twins sent it to me" she smiled, jumping down from the island and taking her phone back from suna. "but look at how adorable you were" she laughed, rewatching the video just to embarrass suna more.

suna walked away to the living room so he could stop himself from getting more flustered. as soon as he sat on the couch, he was met with akane. "rinnn i made a new friend today!" she said excitedly, sitting next to suna.

"oh really? what's their name?" he asked. "his name is sato" she smiled. y/n choked on air at the familiar name. "oh my god...she became friends with my brother. he's the worst influence ever" y/n panicked.

"how bad can he be?" suna shrugged. y/n went over to suna and showed him the messages between herself and sato to which he had wide eyes at. "Y/N, SATO IS YOUR BROTHER?" akane said excitedly. y/n nodded sadly and sighed.

"how did you two meet?" suna asked. "well he was seening how much cuss words he can think of and then i helped him out and thought of some too!".

suna and y/n looked at eachother whith wide eyes. "i have nothing to do with this." y/n mumbled. "yeah me neither..."

"dinners ready!!" all three of them walked into the kitchen to get their plates of food. once they were situated, they sat down and began to eat.


"today's game was exhausting" suna mumbled to himself as he laid on his bed, y/n laying beside him whilst on her phone. "go to sleep then" she answered.

"i cant because you're up" suna got comfortable and faced to y/n's direction. "okay fine" she sighed and placed her phone beside him. she faced  suna and saw that he had his eyes closed.

he looked more peaceful than ususal and y/n admired that. "gonna stare at me the whole night?" he opened his eyes slightly and was met with y/n's sleepy eyes. "go to sleep. you looked more exhausted than me" suna pulled y/n into his chest which caught her off guard.

"relax weirdo" he mumbled with a light laugh. "good night" y/n said, feeling flustered. "night" he replied.


it was now the middle of the night and y/n had woken up a couple minutes ago. she's been tossing and turning, trying to fall back asleep but it was no use.

suna groaned as a began to wake up. "i didn't mean to wake you up" she apologized. "why aren't you asleep?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "because i cant fall back asleep" she sighed, sitting up along with suna.

suna stared into no where before getting out of bed and going over to his window. he opened it quietly and motioned for y/n to follow him.

"you're gonna try and push me off" y/n climbed through the window and sat beside suna resting her head on his shoulder. "no im not...also, the cool breeze will most likely help you fall asleep" suna mumbled, leaning his head back, looking up at the sky.

"how do you know that?" y/n lifted her head but suna immediately pushed it back down. "i come out here when i cant sleep either".

"what would prevent you from being able to sleep?" she asked. "anxious before a game and unwanted thoughts" he answered. "like what?"

"im not telling you dumbass" he groaned. suna closed his eyes and waited for y/n to get sleepy again. occasionally, suna would take glances down at her to make sure that she didn't fall all the way asleep.


hiiiii umm

ik the school concept in this book is all over the place so just ignore it 😀

ahhh anywho im tired asf so i apologize for any grammer or spelling  errors

but yeahh bye byeee ty for reading ily😛

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