»»◈𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 37◈««

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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 843


"are you ready?" suna walked up behind y/n as he finished getting dressed. "i had this outfit planned in my head but it looks like shit now that i have it on" she frowned.
suna went infront of y/n and faced her before looking at her outfit.

"uhhh...yeah this outfit looks weird" suna said after some silence which made y/n smack the back of his head.

"what the fuck was that for?" he backed away from y/n with an annoyed look on his face. "oops...my baddd..come here" she smiled innocently. 

"no..you're gonna hit me" suna still stayed far away from y/n but she just went up near to his face and locked eye contact with him. "rin, truth of dare" she smiled. "uhhh truth?"

"is it true that you wanna kiss me right now?" suna caught himself as he was about to lick his lips before speaking up again. "dare". 

"i dare you to kiss me" 

"never have i ever-" 

"RIN THATS NOT EVEN THE GAME" y/n couldnt stay serious as the laugh that she was holding in finlly left her mouth. "i know" suna smiled and pecked y/n's forehead before walking back to her closet.

"here, just change the hoodie" handing her the item of clothing, suna then sat on y/n's bed as he waited for her to change.


"why the hell are you guys here?" suna and y/n immediately spotted the twins, kenma, kuroo, tendou, and semi.

"uhhh...we just decided to come here like five minutes ago" atsumu answered. "wendyyyy" y/n went over to tendou who immediately got annoyed at the nickname.

"y/n...for the last time, i look nothing like that logo" tendou lazily gave her a hug before looking up at suna who glanced at the two. "OMG SUNA!" the group turned around and immediately saw a familiar face.

y/n quickly hid behind the group just to see what levy would do without knowing about her being there.

"where's y/n?" levy looked around and didn't see her which only made her more comfortable around suna. "she didn't feel well so she's at her house" he lied.

"oh that's goo- i-i mean i hope she feels better" levy studderd. "mhm..."

"well since y/n isnt here, suna, I've been needing to tell you that i really really like you and i know you and y/n are dating but just give me a chance she doesn't have to find out...think of it as an experiment." levy explained desperately.

"uhhh..dont do that to yourself" suna got second hand embarrassment from levy's words before looking behind her, a grid immediately grew onto her face.

"hey there lev" y/n sarcastically smiled. levy immediately spun around and a nervous laugh left her mouth. "oh um..hey y/n...i gotta go now".

"i cant believe she's still trying to get with you" osamu and atsumu had a disgusted expression on their faces as they watched levy walk away.

suna protectively wrapped his arms around y/n's neck from behind. "dont worry y/n..." suna mumbled the last part thinking that y/n wouldnt hear but she had sharp ears.

"is this the soft side that you said i would never see?" she teased. suna let out an annoyed groan before the twins began to agrue over food.

"oh my god, i cant even hear myself losing the will to live" kenma groaned.  "kenmaaa" scolding him, y/n began to repetitively flicking his forehead.

"lets go buy snacks and blankets before it starts to get crowded. the fireworks start in an hour".

"kenma, do you have a bag that i can borrow to carry the snacks in?" kuroo asked. "the only bags i have are under my eyes and they're being used to carry the burden of my existence".

"kenma...literally... all you had to do was say no" kuroo groaned. "why are you being so depressed today anyways?" tendou asked him.

"he lost a game to a ten year old" kuroo explained. everyone nodded before they began to walk to the nearest store.


"n/n, they don't have anymore of your favorite snacks here" suna informed y/n since she was distracted playing games on her phone. "fook"

"I'll just get the nasty ass snacks then" y/n picked up a couple different things before paying for it. her and suna then waited outside for the others to finish.

"i just lost feeling in my leg" y/n sat down as she stomped her leg. "imagine if you had light up sketchers on" Suna's random ass thought just left y/n to be genuinely confused.

"were done nowww lets go now" they heard semi's voice and suna stood up. he looked down at y/n before sighing. "you really want to be carried huh?"

y/n just smiled and jumped onto Suna's back as they began to walk back to where the festival was being held.


hiiiii 🤩🤩 how are u guys? 😼

what are u guy's favorite anime(s) or manga(s)?

mine is demon slayer, jjba, inuyasha, bananna fish, tougen anki, and tokyo revengers 😎

if u watched inuyasha, pls marry me rn.

anywhooo byeee ilysmm take care 😈

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