»»◈𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 39◈««

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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 998


"goodnight y/n, goodnight kenma" suna and the twins said. tendou and semi were already on their way home since they needed enough rest for the camp trip that was coming up.

"night" y/n replied as she sat on the steps that led to her front door. "how important is this camp thing anyway?" she asked.

"well on the last day of camp, there's going to be this sort of serious match that'll help the winner get their name out there so thats why we'll be taking it so seriously" kuroo explained.

y/n nodded before checking her phone seeing that it was already midnight. "well since its so important, you guys should get home so you can rest" y/n said her goodbyes to everyone.

they began to walk away, kenma walking down the street since he lives in the same neighborhood as y/n. suna stayed back and gave y/n a hug before kissing the corner of her lips.

putting in his earbuds, listening to the playlist that he and y/n made a while back when they were hanging out. suna stuffed his hand into his pockets before he walked away to catch up with the others.

y/n called out to kenma who wasn't too far away and he turned around to see her waving at him. he waved back and y/n went inside of her house before getting ready for bed so she could go to sleep.


a couple days passed by and it was the morning that inarazaki, nekoma, shiratorizawa, and karasuno were supposed to be heading to the camp.

suna dedicated himself to wake up extra early so he could say bye to y/n since he wouldn't see her for the next two weeks.

he was currently walking up to her room since y/n's mom let him inside. she was also up early since she had to go to work.

suna went over to y/n's sleeping figure to see that she was already half awake. "you're up?" he asked. "a fucking bird flew into my window and woke me up. i haven't been able to sleep since"

suna laughed quietly at her words as she sat up from her bundle of blankets. "also, remember that suprise i told you about yesterday?" she reached for the tiny gift bag beside her bed and handed it to suna.

suna hesitantly took it from y/n's hand before opening it. inside, he saw a tiny box that contained a silver ring which had a sun engraved into it.

"the promise ring that you got me has a moon engraved into it so i got you one with a sun engraved into it." she explained.

"matching like the hot couple we are" suna looked up at y/n and smiled before kissing her forehead.

he fully stood up and so did y/n. wrapping their arms around eachother, suna felt his phone vibrate. he ignored it but after it went off again, he decided to check it.

pulling away from the hug he saw that it was kita telling him to head to inarazaki since he was kinda far away.

"i have to go now n/n, I'll see you in two weeks" y/n rolled her eyes at the last part before sighing. "okay bye rin"

"bye n/n, thanks for the ring" suna picked up his gym bag that was on the floor and held the strap on his shoulder.

walking out of the room, suna said his goodbyes to y/n's mom and her little brother before making his way to the train station.


"suna already looks depressed" he heard atsumu mumble. suna swung his hand behind him earning a groan from atsumu since he hit him right in the stomach.

inarazaki was currently outside waiting for the bus to arrive and pick them up. "its cold as hell out here...i dont know why we cant just wait in the gym" aran said putting his hands in his pockets.

"yo suna y/n told me that she wasn't coming to the camp with nekoma. why is that?" aran asked. "because levy told her dad that nobody else should be there except members of the team" suna explained.

"she's still obsessed with you and y/n even after she got her shit minked?" a snort was heard from suna before he nodded to arans words. "the bus is here" kita announced.

everyone quickly began making their way onto it since they couldn't bare the coldness anymore.


(ken ken does quack 🦆)



im bored

do u have wifi on the bus?

yeah the bus comes with wifi since nekoma decided not to be cheap asf

LMAO u brought your laptop with u tho right ? 😏

mhm mhm >:)

join our server 😈

alrighty :p

y/n was currently in her class but since it was a free day, she was able to do whatever she wanted.

kenmas gamer tag popped up in the chat and later on, so did Suna's and the twins.

y/n_lol: why tf are you guys here

kenkendoesquack: i told them to join

suna and the twins went into kenma and y/n's house and she noticed that her health was going down due to kenma hitting her character.

she immediately killed kenma before looking at suna who's character was staring at y/n and kenma's bed which were beside eachother.

destroying it, he then placed them on opposite sides of the room and looked at y/n, making his character nod out of satisfaction.

sunarin_lol: :)

y/n_lol: jealous ass

thing_one: tsumu i swear to god, if u kill me, i will slap the blonde hair off of ur head.

thing_one was killed by thing_two

sunarin_lol: woah he was being serious

y/n_lol: LMAO

the 5 of them continued to play but after a while they had to leave since they got to where the camp was leaving y/n to go back into her shitty mood.



if u care at all, you can look up the meaning of the sun and the moon 🤩

also i need a pet name that suna calls y/n....babe and bubs is out of it. I hate those names sm ☹️ but i kinda wanna use beautiful or pretty bc yeah

anywho i hope u enjoyeddd bye byeee ilysm 😡😈😛

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