Chapter 3

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No one pov...

Hello, I don't know who are you. But by looking at you we can see you are sooo weak, kay said with other started laughing.
What do you want, win said looking at them and specially bright.
They four smirk and, next thing win know was he was on the ground holding his cheek which was punched by Mike, boss pick up the book that win was reading and give it to bright.
Tear started to form in win's eyes, his cheek was numb. He was on the urge of crying. He stand up.
Give me back my book,win shouted. But bright keep his hand higher not letting win to touch it.
Give back. Pls,win pleased.
What will you do if we don't, bright said smirking. While other too.
Tear started to fall from win's eyes. His eyes, nose and cheek were red.
He still kept trying to take the book back.
After some time bright drop that book harsily on his head.

All students were laughing at him, he can't see it. So he pick up the book at and started running towards the washroom wiping his tear.

Brights pov...

When mike punch him, I can see the tears glistening in his eyes, I don't know why but I feel bad I don't know why but I should feel happy then why I am feeling like this.

When boss give that book to me, I shruge out the thought of feeling bad. And concentrate on bullying him.
Give me my book,he shouted.
He was trying to snatch the book from me, but I didn't let him have it.

What will you do if I we don't, i said.
Tears started to fall from his eyes, his face was red. But he was still trying to take the book from me.

I don't know why but seeing him crying, my heart hurt. It's like if he was crying my heart was in pain too.
I surge away that thought .
And bang that book on his head harshly.
All the students started to laugh at him. But he didn't do anything and take the book and ran away.

I wanted to be happy by bullying him. But now I was in pain too I don't know makes my heart pain.

Win's pov ....

I got in washroom and wash my face.  I was in so much pain. Not physically but mentally.
It hurt so much. What have I done with them. Is something wrong with me. Why they don't like me. It's just my first day at uni, and it is runed already.

I seen the time in my watch. It was almost end of our break. So I headed to my classroom.
I have to face him their, how will I do it.  I don't want to see him.
I will just ignore him. Like he is not there. Yes I will do it.

I entered in class and headed toward my seat, he was their. And all students were looking at me. I was feeling really uncomfortable, I just lowed my head and gone and sat on my seat.

I can feel he was looking at me. But I didn't look at him.

Professor started to teach us. I didn't know one sum so I raised my hand. But professor tell me to ask bright.

I looked at him and he smirked at me.
So I said.
It's ok sir, I will ask mr. Noom. Without looking at him. He frown. And said.
Why would you ask mr.noom. when I am here.
I don't want to talk to anyone, I said with emotionless face.

Bright's pov...

How can  he talk to me like that, and what with that emotionless face.
And what will I expect from him after bullying him like this... I grinned lightly.

After class he headed to mr. Noom.

No one pov...

After class win goes to mr. Noom. And clear his doubt.

After than in all classes win ignore bright.
But bright keep bugging him.


Hello everyone....
Sorry I can't  update regularly because I have to study too 😅.

But  I will try to update early as possible 😜.
Stay tuned.....👍❤️❤️

Stay healthy, stay safe..


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