Chapter 15

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Next day....

Brights pov...

I am feeling so bad. What I will do now, why did he left me alone yesterday. Did he hated me now.

I am here sitting in my class waiting for win to come but here, their  is no trace of him. Did he is not coming today, is it because of me.... Suddenly someone stood their at the door caught my attention. It was no other than my win...

He was wearing navy blue sweatshirt and  white pants.He was looking at me,but one thing I didn't expect was . He smiled to me... Why?.
He was angry at me. Then why?

He came towards me and sat next to me

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He came towards me and sat next to me. I didn't spare a glance to him.

Suddenly he spoke.
Aren't you going to talk to me. I looked towards him, that's when my eyes landed on the locket around his neck. Which was outside his collar. Shining bright..

I looked in his eyes, but didn't spoke first then after gaining some courage. I spoke. I looked down not wanted to look in his eyes.

I-I want to talk to you, but don't know if you want to talk to me. I said and facepalm myself for shuttering.
Why are you thinking, that I don't want to talk to you....Wolfie.
As those last words left his mouth. My head shot up, I looked toward him in flash of light with widen eyes.

Before I say anything the professer came in. I just looked at him in disbelief. He just chuckle at my reaction and take write something on the page of the book in from of us. And pass it to me.
I look at it and read it. Their was written.
Let's talk after class. And you also have so much to i read i looked at him. He was glaring at me with an pout. Cute..
Then laugh lightly. Then look forward again.
Which made me smile too.


After class was over. It was break. He stood up. But glance at up and Walk away. I also hurriedly walk toward him.

No one pov....

Win was walking peacefully suddenly someone hold his wrist and pull him toward a room. Where no was. It was dark.
Win startled and and asked.
Who, are you. What are you said.
Shhhhh..It's me. Bright said and switch on the light.
Aw, what are you said.
You said you want to talk after class.bright said.
Hmm. Ok. Then tell me. Everything, from starting. Win said and cross his arm.
Um, its that.bright said and take an deep breath. Then told everything to win from starting. Why he hated him. How he get to know about him being his first love. Everything....
it's that all,But... I want to ask you something. Bright said. Win raise an eyebrow and nodded.
Yesterday. You ran away. I expected you to angry at me today. But you were smiling today at me and also called me Wolfie...He said nervously.
Yesterday when you said that. I was totally shocked,but before I do or say anything to you. I have to confirm everything. So I ran away. When I got home, i called mom..


Win went directly to his dorm. When he got their first thing he did was to call his mom.
 After some ring his mother pick up the call.
Hii, honey. How are you. Mother said.
Win took deep breath before saying.
Mom. I want to ask you something.
What is it love. Mom said.
Mom. Who is Wolfie.he said. Their was a pause on the other side before his mom speak.
It's, no one baby. Why are you asking. His mom said nervously.
Then who is bright vachirawit chivaree. He said.
How do you know about it. Win.Mom said.

I know him mom. I-i meet him. He is my classmate. And also my friend. He said.
You meet him, really. Mom said.
Yes mom, but when I asked you about it. Why you said it's nothing, why from the past years. You didn't speak anything about him.why.
Win. Listen baby. It's because. You and him were very close. You don't wanted to leave him. After the accident you never asked about him. Then we get to know that you have lost some memories. If we told you about him. You would cry again and tell us to take to him. And we can't do it. We can't see you suffer win. That why we did it. But now. We won't keep you away from him. You are an adult now.we will let you do whatever you want. Ok. Mom and dad love you. Mom said.
Win smiled and said thank-you mom.

After ending the call. Win can't help but smile ear to ear. He was so happy. He meet his Wolfie. His first and his last love.
They will never separate now. Never...❤️

Flashback end.

So this happen. Win said and smiled to bright.
Bright also laugh and said to win.
Win. Do you remember our promise.
Win's smile faded. He look into brights eyes and smiled.
Which, of  loving each other till our death..
Bright smiled ear to ear and said.
You remember it.
Yes, i remember it. How can I forgot it. It's the promise I made with my first love. Win said and smiled.
Win i want to ask you something more. Bright said. Win nodded.
Win, do you. Um... Do you still love me. Bright said and looked everywhere expect win. Win smiled at it and  said
I think I already give you that answer. Remember in cafe. But do you also still love me?
Bright sigh and said. Yes, I still love you. Its that I never got over you. You were only the person. I have ever loved. And it will always you. I love you so much win. Will you give me a chance. Pls..
Bright, why will I give you a chance. Win said. Bright become sad.
When... I am already you're. As win said those words bright look towards him with a huge smile.
So are we...bright said and nodded.
Yes, we are boyfriends now. Win said, they both hug each other. And said I love you.
Win pull apart first and whine with an pout . Lets go now I am hungry.
Bright just chuckle and said, lets go my love. I dont want my baby bunny ti be angry.
Win gasp and said. I am not baby bunny now.
Aww, yes. You are now adult bunny. Bright said earning an punch from win.
Both started laughing.


Now they were walking to win's dorm. Bright was their to leave him.

Bright. Thank you for walking me home. Win said as they reach his dorm.
It's ok. By the way, this is going to be my usual routine. Bright said making win blush.
Why don't you come inside. Win said.
It's ok. I will come after sometime. Bright said.
Ok then. Bye. Win said.And turn around to go but stop when bright called him.
He turned around.  And ask bright what.

Bright come in front of him and was about to say something but hold himself and said.
Um.. Nothing. Good night. See you tomorrow.
And turn around to go.
Bright, with. Called. He turn around.

With. Came close to him and smiled but then next thing happened make brights heart beat faster. His eyes widen.
Win closed their distance by kissing him. After sometime bright also melted in the kiss and kissed back with same love and adoration.
After sometime they pulled away. Both were blushing. And can't stop smiling.

Good night. Sweet dreams. Win said and walk away with smile on his face blushing.

And their it was bright who was smiling like a mad man. Because it was the thing he was waiting for from 15 years.


Hii everyone.

How are you. Missed me.

Sorry for late update. But I have studies too. I was about to publish it on Saturday but something urgent came....😉

Ok, love you.

Stay safe, stay healthy
Support brightwin 🖤💚

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