Soft Served Stimming {Autistic!Tommy&Tubbo}

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⚠️Swearing, Harassment/Bullying⚠️
Because I'm the author, I'm taking complete creative liberty in saying that if you hate on neopronouns, screw off.

(Also they're all cis, they just use neopronouns)

Tommy uses He/It/Crow/They/Xe pronouns
Tubbo uses He/It/Bonk/Bow/They/Xe pronouns
Phil uses He/They/Se/Crow

Also! I have ADHD but I'm not autistic, so please make sure to tell me if I misrepresent something or anything like that! :> /gen


Who did we get it from?

Who knows and who cares?

But here we are, me and Tubbo, both being on the spectrum for autism. And most people expect it to be talked about like it's some sorta burden or a bad thing. But honestly, it's not.

And even with the downsides, at least I'm not alone.

Like now, Tubbo and I are in our room, just listening to music and messing with our fidget toys as we pass the time.

Well, that is until I feel a tap and a certain Tubbo saying "Hey big man,"

"Hm?" I respond, wanting to hear what bonk has to say.

"I made myself a new dress, wanna see?" Xeir smile was so convincing, so obviously I agreed.

Xe went to the closet and pulled out a gorgeous, flowy, light yellow dress with sunflowers on a lace fabric that drapes over the yellow.

"Holy shit- it's- that's amazing, Tubbs," I say, totally awestruck.

I knew bow was good at sewing, it being his hyper fixation and all, but this is just amazing.

"You sure?" Xe replies, "I wasn't sure about the lace, I think it may be too much."

"Tubbo, never doubt yourself, ok? That dress is stunning, and you're gonna look amazing in it." I smile at bonk, letting xem know I mean it the best I can.

"Promise?" Bonk asks.

"Pinky promise," I giggle a bit as I hold out my pinky and xe latches xeirs to mine.

"Hmmm, what about if I jump you?" He asks excitedly, the question immediately followed by bow pushing me onto the bed.

I, of course, pull him down with both hands, him landing right by me. This ends us in a fit of laughter, still holding hands as we do so.


"So, Pups," Phil looks between me and Tommy, making sure we heard him "your first day of in-person since sophomore year is tomorrow. You're gonna be seniors, how's it feel?" Se asks, taking a bite of syr food.

"Eh, I don't really wanna go, it's gonna be too loud and too many people," I answer first.

"Yeah, plus people are dickheads in school. It's just how people are," Tommy and I glance at each other, as if it were planned, "except Tubbs. Bonks the only good one -besides you- but mainly Tubbo." 

Dad lets out a small laugh before speaking again, "Yeah, but a lot of people are dense. Plus if they don't wanna hear about your dragonfly facts," crow looks at Tommy, "or your bee facts," and them me, "it's their loss." Se smiles and ruffles me and Tommy's hair slightly and we both smile.

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