A/N (Talking/Theroizing about Dream smp)

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May have spoilers (the final disc war) and also contains character death (Ghostbur/Glatt)

Dream smp rant 1:
Ok ok so hear me out right. Tubbo has been the one in control this whole time.

Before you call me crazy listen ok.

At the beginning Tommy and Tubbo placed this high value on the discs. Their discs.

If Tubbo didn't help start L'manburg Tommy wouldn't have either.

The discs now have this high value because of Tubbo and Tommy, the discs were traded and this such high value that basically represents their friendship was given to Dream.

The discs remind Tommy of Tubbo and their friendship so obviously he wouldn't want Dream to have them.

Well they were given to Dream.

And if Tubbo didn't become a spy then they couldn't have gotten as much intel on Manburg during Schlatt's rule.

If Tubbo didn't get executed he wouldn't use a cannon life. (Obviously but I'll get back to why this is important later)

If Tubbo didn't say those specific words during the festival ('Now enjoy the festival' or something) L'manburg wouldn't have been blown up.

If L'manburg wasn't blown up Tommy wouldn't have been seen as a liability.
(This because he knew what Wilbur was going and even if he tried some he also said he'd do whatever Wilbur thought was best. He was also was reckless in a sense of letting his emotion and anger of being kicked out of L'manburg fuel him rather than the logic of how many people he could hurt.)

If Tommy wasn't seen as a liability then he wouldn't have been exiled by Tubbo.

If he wasn't exiled by Tubbo he wouldn't have had to seek help from Technoblade and Technoblade would still be in retirement.

If Tommy never got Technoblade out of retirement then Tommy never would have gotten close to Technoblade and then betrayed him.

If Technoblade had never gotten betrayed he never would have used the withers (+ Dream w tnt) to blow up the rebuilt L'manburg.

If the new L'manburg was never blown up then Dream woudlnt (yet) have lost the trust of Sapnap.
(I'll come back to this)

And if Dream never left that note for Tommy and Tubbo then they wouldn't have gone to that island.

If they hadn't gone to that island then Dream couldn't use Tubbo against Tommy. And when I was talking about Tubbo's execution, if he had never been executed then Dream couldn't use the fact that Tubbo was on his last life, against Tommy.

If Tubbo had his two lives he never would have had 'his time to say goodbye' to Tommy before Dream "was going to kill him".

If they were never given that time they couldn't have stalled until (unbeknownst to them) almost the whole smp came through that portal.

If they had never gone through that portal Dream would never be in prison and they couldn't get the discs.

If they didn't get the discs Tommy would either kill Dream or die trying.

If he did die trying Tubbo would most likely be killed by Dream because the thing Dream needed was gone.

The only real reason (at least I think) that the discs had value was because it reminded Tommy of him and Tubbo's friendship and how much they'd been through and the last thing he wanted was for Dream to have that.

And to come full circle if Tubbo and Tommy had never been friends none of this would have happened.

Dream smp rant 2:
Basically everybody has figured out/thinks that Wilburs unfinished symphony but I don't think that's just it.

To start, in old lore and stories about ghosts, ghosts only appear/you only become a ghost if you have unfinished business when you die. In some stories the ghosts will try to finish what they need to move on to the afterlife.

Now that that's out of the way I'll explain.

When Wilbur died he became a ghost, losing all of the sad memories. When Schlatt died he became a ghost but seemingly lost no memories.

Why I think this was caused is because when Wilbur became Ghostbur  he was "insane" he wasn't in his right mind, most likely possessed by the Dreamon. All/most of his bad memories were while he was with the Dreamon so when it left to find a new vessel it took those memories. Also why he remembers when Phil stabbed him because the Dreamon had went to find a new vessel.

However when Schlatt became Glatt (Ghost Schlatt) it was because of a heart attack, the Dreamon never taking part therefore his memories never being stolen.

Getting to why I think that saying Tommy is Wilbur's unfinished symphony is t the whole story.

Wilbur and Tommy are cannotically brothers, Wilbur being older.

So what if I said that Wilbur didn't want to make L'manburg so he could have a separate country from Dream?

Like an older brother would Wilbur wanted to protect Tommy. He wanted Tommy to have a safe place to live.

What if that was always his goal?

And when he blew up L'manburg after being kicked out, what if even with the Dreamon in his head that one thought remained. Protect Tommy.

He blew up L'manburg because he realized it wasn't safe for Tommy, that it couldn't be safe for Tommy while it stayed like that. So he destroyed it to protect Tommy.

And when he asked Phil to kill him the Dreamon had left to find a new host, what if he realized what happened, the position he was in, that he must've blown up L'manburg and that he therefore was no longer safe to be around Tommy.

It doesn't matter if we realized that that was his great unfinished symphony, because whats important is that Ghostbur, Ghostbur realized that protecting Tommy was his unfinished symphony. Why he was there, why he couldn't just move on.

'My great unfinished symphony, Tommy is was always your safety. Tommy everything I did was to protect you, all of it. But you don't need me to protect you anymore, you're all grown up.'

I can just like imagine Wilbur saying that to Tommy. It's just E

Anyways yeah hope y'all enjoyed time just ranting about this and sharing my ideas, I'll probably do this (like a whole chapter) after like major major events but otherwise I'll just write my thoughts at the end of a chapter.

I have a few stories in progress so if I close requests for a bit it's just to catch up and they'll be open as soon as I'm done with the like 3 requests.

Thank you for your patience and if you read my ideas/theories above, what do y'all think about them?

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