Chapter 1

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I stood up real fast yanking my jeans up to my hips before resting back down in the hard plastic chair and flipping through my vogue magazine.

"I'm bored how much longer?" She asked.

"Not too long Emilia, the doctor will be here soon enough, don't be impatient." I mumbled and flipped the page to the j'adore Dior ad.

A chill ran down my back and i could feel the breeze coming from the sliding doors opening tickle the tops of my ears. Pulling my hoodie closer to my body I diverted my attention to the two boys stumbling in.

"Come on Harry were almost there" I heard a boy stumble in with his friend or... partner... Clutched over his shoulder and side. Limping.

"Lou you're such a careless dick" the much taller boy with dark curls surrounding his face gasped to the slightly shorter one who's hair jutted in all different directions.

They seemed like the kind of guys who just amble around not caring what happened to them. They were careless and unsafe. I dreamed of the day I could be more like that but I couldn't exactly afford to be.

The smaller more fragile boy guided the taller one to the counter where they exchanged some words with the receptionist and almost immediately they came out with a wheel cheer bringin the curly haired boy to the back.

"Wish we got seen to that quickly...." I mumbled turning back to my magazine.

The smaller boy took a seat right across from us. With nothing but my magazine and a coffee table in between us.

A sudden shuffling came from behind my magazine covering my face.

"What's your name?" I heard an encouraging voice coo. My head shot up from Vogue to see the man sitting on the coffee table across from my little sister.

"Emilia!" She clapped her hands. The man caught my glare from above my magazine and I resumed to the Taylor Swift Covergirl ad. He chuckled and started talking to her.

"And what are you two here for?" He asked.

"My sister says I'm sick but I don't feel sick!" My little sister seemed so amused I'd never seen her so willing to talk to anyone.

"She has a fever I figured I'd bring her in" I forced my way into the conversation unmoving the magazine. It was nobody's business why we were here anyway.

He placed the backside of his hand to her forehead and made a face signaling that he caught my bluff. She didn't have a fever.

"I knew I wasn't sick!" She giggled again.

"You're very smart, Emilia! How old are you?" He cocked his head to the side entertaining her.

"Eight!" She stuck out eight fingers and showed them to the boy and he laughed.

"We'll I'm Louis and I'm 22" he clarified.

I flipped the page and did a double take as I looked at the picture. I squinted my eyes a little and extended my arm a bit so the magazine was near enough to the man's face. It was the same guy.

"Louis Tomlinson?" I asked sounding unamused compared to how interested I was that he was in my magazine.

"Uh yes" he clarified turning back to Emmy.

"You're in a band?" I tossed the magazine to him and he analyzed the picture below.

"Yupp" his lips popping the 'p' at the end.

"Wait, you're in that boy band." I spat back coming to the realization that it was him and four other boys with 'One Direction' plastered below.

"Yeah" he warily said as if he expected me to kill me.

"That's cute" I sarcastically remarked an flipped the page.

"Emilia Robinson?" A nurse walked through the door and called.

"Come on Emmy it's time for your appointment." I said and helped her off the chair next to me and held her hand as we walked to where the nurse in her mint green scrubs stood.

"I'll take Emilia from here. Well be back she's just getting an MRI"

I nodded.

"She doesn't have any metal replacements, brackets, and braces in her does she?" The nurse reassured.

"Nothing." I confirmed and uneasily let go of her hand as I walked back to the chair where this Louis guy had stolen the seat next to me.

I'd always heard about One Direction I mean, who didn't know about them honestly. But I was 19 and I wasn't one to obsess and fangirl over a little girl's boy band. I never really paid attention to it.

"I'm Sonny" I said sitting down and reaching over to swipe my magazine off the coffee table but his arm shot out and caught my forearm, not in a frightening manner but just to tell me to stop what I was doing and listen to him.

"So what's really wrong with Emmy?" My blood boiled as he called her Emmy. Only I called her that. But I forced out the answer as I never liked admitting there was something wrong. However, I had a sensation wash over me and I decided to confide in the guy beside me.

"Emilia has Morquio Syndrome."

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