Chapter 6

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The light from my window pried me awake as I blinked at the sudden increase of brightness. Rolling from my covers I stood up and wiped my eyes grabbing my glasses from the polished bedside table.

"Wake up kiddo" I wandered next door to Emilia's room. The daft morning air brushed against my skin from the open window.

"I'm up" she groaned and popped up from her sheets. She climbed out of bed and walked a couple steps.

"Emilia!" I shouted and rushed to her side as she had collapsed in her spot to the ground. trying to stand up again she couldn't for more than 3 seconds. A tear had escaped my eye but I didn't want Emmy knowing anything was wrong.

"Can you stand?" I asked as I helped her back up but as soon as I warily let go of her hands she tumbled back to the relentless floor. "Come on we need to get you to that check up" I tried pretending like there wasn't anything out of the normal happening for her sake. Obviously she knew something wasn't right though.

Her knees had finally buckled on her and she'd need assistance walking now which pained me. She had knock-knee but she always managed to walk fine before.

The way her legs had angled in towards each other prevented her from balancing herself. After I carried her down the steps I hit the gas and tore down the highway to the hospital.

I rushed through the automatic sliding doors I wasn't sure were going to open at first. I pushed passed a lady to the front desk, "I need to see Dr. Weller? As soon as possible." I demanded.

The woman pointed back behind me, "Please wait in the chairs over there while I see if he's done his appointment"

I pressed down on the counter with my palms, pushing me up towards her face more and gritted my teeth, "for god sake my little sister can't walk get the doctor out here now!"

The irritated receptionist rolled her eyes and called over the loud speaker, "Dr. Weller we have a 349 report to the waiting area. Dr Weller to the waiting area." And the phone clicked.

I strolled around with Emmy still in my arms until the white-robed man rushed over.

"What's wrong?"

"Her knees c-can't support her anymore" I sniffled and handed Emmy over to the doctor.

"Where am I going?" She asked in his arms looking back at me.

"Dr Weller's gonna take care of you sweetie" I said.

"Can I come with?" I hated leaving Emmy alone behind those barricades they call doors.

"Sorry you aren't permitted to be back there. Here, come back tomorrow morning and shell be good to go! We just need to see if she can support herself with which crutches or maybe a wheelchair" he whispered the last half to me.

"Oh... Okay" I mumbled and stood there motionless until the white cloak disapeared behind the doors. The last thing I saw was Emmy's eyes over his shoulder look back at me.

I didn't know what to do next so I just walked away. I walked to the car. And I walked up to my apartment where I continued to walk aimlessly in circles and tumble over the couch and scream sing to annoy the neighbors. I didn't even know what to do with myself without Emmy around. So I just walked.

The only person I knew would keep me company is Louis. 'Hey, are you up to anything' I shot off a text in my desperate attempt to defy boredom. I now was spread across the couch with one leg hanging off and my hair fanned out around me.

About 3 minutes later I got a reply, 'I'm off in 2 hours...? I need a reason to get out of my plans tonight'

'I have work in 2 hours :/'

'Wheres Emmy?'

'Hospital... She needs walking assistance now.'

'Oh my God can I help at all!? Can you guys afford it?'

'Louis I'm not going to accept your money'

'Im more than happy to lend it'


I ignored the next three buzzes of my phone. I had work at another job tonight and I wasn't looking forward to it that much, I just wanted Emmy. I called Delaney to say I didn't need her to babysit tonight and resumed my ambling around the small apartment.

I got changed for work and swapped my glasses for contacts. i put on sweatpants and my NorthFace jacket over to keep warm even though it was the beginning of summer it got real chilly here at night.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I opened it up. 'Please let me help'

'Im not accepting any help or money from you I can handle it by myself'

It infuriated me he just assumed we were to poor to handle it. I stormed from the apartment and to my car where I drove to the even sketchier side of town. It was hardly dark so there would be no business at this hour, my shift didn't even start until 8.

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