Chapter 5

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I woke up on Emmy's floor with her blankets put neatly over me. I must have fallen asleep and fallen off of her bed.

"Good morning sleepy head" I scratched my head as Emilia clumsily walked in with a plate of burned waffles.

"Good morning" I groaned. "Thanks for theeeeeeee waffles?" I smiled gratefully accepting my breakfast.

"I'll go get you coffee!" She trotted off to the mini kitchen.

I picked up the black waffle between my thumb and index finger, examining it, before carefully discarding it in the waste basket.

"Coffee" Emmy stated and brought it to me.

"Come on" I stood up smacking her butt like american football players do. "I'll go make you pancakes"


Soon enough it was 6 o'clock and we were both patiently awaiting our date for the night.

"Where are we going?" Emmy asked.

"I don't know well just have to see" I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. This was gonna be an interesting night.

Knock knock.

"Coming!" I yelled from my bedroom where I was grabbing last minute necessities. I walked into the living room where Emmy had already invited the tall boy inside.

"Hi" I smiled and walked over. Louis wasn't the tallest guy I've ever met but still with my 2 inch brown boots on, he passed me by a good 3 inches.

"You ready?" He beamed, holding his arm out for me to hold.

"ready as I can get at this point..." I mumbled.



"Emmy do you want a ride on my shoulders?" Louis asked kneeling down.

"Oh I don't think that's sa-"

"Yes!!" Emmy cut me off and climbed up around Louis' neck like a spider monkey.

"Off we go then!" I reluctantly held Louis' hand as we walked down 3 floors to his car. His very expensive fancy car I might add.

We pulled the car seat from my car and put it in Louis' so Emmy could sit. She may have been of age but she was certainly still too small to be without a car seat.

I sat in the passenger side allowing the words from the radio to fill my mind. I honestly didn't want to be here. I wouldn't have agreed to this if it weren't for Emmy. I could never be able to let her down, she was always trying to make sure I had friends or plans when I had te chance.

"Do I irritate you?" His voice penetrated my thoughts.

"You certainly are persistent that's for sure" I replied and glanced back at Emmy who looked spaced out.

"So where are you taking us?" I shifted in my seat to face Louis in the drivers side.

"A pizza shop" he plainly announced.

"Just a pizza shop?" I questioned.

"Just a pizza shop." He goofily assured. "A really amazing pizza shop"

We soon got there and stepped inside. It was a big open floor with tables scattered along the edges and waiters and waitresses walked around with all these different types of pizzas from cheese to sausage to Bavarian cream and taco pizza. They sound gross but it was quite exquisite.

"I love pizza!" Emmy announced and crawled down from his shoulders.

"Shall we?" He motioned me over to a free table.

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