Chapter 2

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I took his sudden quietness as an assurance to my assumption. He didn't know what that was.

I raised my dainty hands to my cheeks to brush away a tear slipping over my eye lids before I spoke, "Morquio syndrome causes her insides to grow faster than her body." I mumbled.

He reached around and hugged me as I buried my head into the crook of his neck. I don't really know why I was telling him so much, he could care less what was happening probably.

"She's had it since infancy and the doctors say it's a miracle she's still alive and that it doesn't faze her as much as it should" I spilled it all out. It felt good to get it off my chest, that someone actually knew what I went through. "She'll need crutches soon... She doesn't even kno-" I choked on my tears.

"Shhhhh" he calmed me and entangled his long fingers in my light brown curls. I soaked his t shirt with my tears and I shakily pressed my palm to his chest and increased the distance between us.

I tried to compose myself and picked back up my magazine.

"I have two sisters that young" he interrupted softly. "I can't bare to think what I'd do if they had to go through that"

I slid my magazine down. Couldn't he just leave me alone?! "Shouldn't you be checking on your friend or.. Urrr... Partner?!" I snapped.

"Ha" A slight laugh escaped his lips. "I like girls" he smirked. "Harry's my best mate. And he'll be fine the little wussy"

I slipped my hand into the brown satchel that hung by my hip and pulled out the tangle of headphones before clicking them into place and in my ears.

"Oh okay! i can take a hint" he huffed but smirked and tilted his head to me. Was this some game to him? Was he seriously hitting on me while I was clearly distressed over my sister?

I don't like walking around this old and empty house, so hold my hand ill walk with you my dear...

The song blared in my ears as I trained my eyes on the door waiting to hear on Emmy's results.

"Miss Robinson?" A nurse finally peered around the door after hours holding Emmy's hand.

"Is she okay?" I pulled my headphones out and held Emilia close to my body as the nurse and I had a muttered conversation.

"She'll need crutches soon we assume, come back in a month's time but she's doing great" she nodded and smiled. I walked to the receptionist to make the appointment.

"Byyye!" Emmy shouted across the waiting room to Louis who still sat there smiling and waving to her.

"Call me if you need any help!" He said but his eyes directed to me.

I gave him a questioning look. I didn't have his number. The look he sent back assured me that I would manage and I pulled out my phone to see my new contact and a new text.

Lou Lou.

How cute. 'Thanks' i mouthed and I rolled my eyes pushing Emmy along as we wandered out and to my small beat up Saturn.


"They gave me a pretty dress that had no back and then put me in a tube and I was like vvvshhhhhh!" Emmy excitably squealed motioning with her arms how the MRI bed goes into the tube.

Glad she at least found it amusing.

"How come we left? I liked Louis!" I glanced over at her in the back seat and saw a smile spread across her face as she gaped at the vast beauty of the field outside her window.

"He had to help his friend out and stay there" I plainly answered. "And youuu missy need to take a nap!" I lightened the mood and reached my arm back, poking Emmy in her stomach causing her to overbearingly squeal with laughter.

I cautiously drove my car until we reached our small apartment in a small, intimidating part of town. Not that we were trashy people, but we didn't exactly have the most money in the world.

I un clipped Emmy's seatbelt and helped her out of the car and walked with her small hands surrounded by my slightly larger ones up to our off-white metal door. Stepping inside we were greeted by the warmth of our abode.

Just because the outside looked like purgatory didnt mean the inside had to look that way as well. I actually worked my hardest to make it look comfortable and normal.

"Sonny I'm tired." Emmy announced and I scooped her off her feet and buzzed like an engine as I pretended to fly her around the tiny rooms like an airplane before crash landing on her bed.

She smiled, dimples piercing her cheeks, and willingly accepted the covers as her shield.

"Go to bed my darling" I cooed and kissed her forehead before wandering slowly to her light switch.

"Is Delaney coming over tomorrow?" Her little voice asked from the depths of her darkened room.

"She is unless you wanna come to work with me" I answered.

"I want Delaney!" She demanded but I could tell she was smiling in her playful manner she always did. She always was smiling.

I couldn't help but smile too, it was so good that her and Delaney, my best friend, got along because otherwise I wouldn't e able to work at all.


I slipped on my black polo and black jeans as I fumbled for my keys and phone to stash in my brown satchel.

Knock knock.

I slowly made my way to the door to be greeted by a friendly face. "Hii!" I whispered inviting Delaney in. "Thank you so much for watching her for me today!" I said in a hushed tone.

"It's no problem girl you know I can always help when you need me!" She reassured.

"Well you know how it goes! Ill be bak around 4:30ish. Call me if she needs anything." I said my last demands and walked out of the apartment locking the door behind me and rushing to my car.

Revving the engine until it started once more, I made my way to the coffee shop on the corner where I worked. I parked around back and made my way to the employee locker room. I slipped on my uniform red apron and grabbed my notepad, making my way out onto the coffee shop floor.

I routinely asked customers what they wanted and brought them their drinks and pastries. The Beanery was kind if like Starbucks just less popular and not so good tasting but it was like a small trademark in the center if the town we lived in.

I whipped my long curls up into a messy bun before proceeding with my day. The shop door dinged once more as I looked up into the blue eyes of the boy from the hospital.

Maybe he won't recognize me. Maybe he'll pretend he doesn't know me either. "How may I help you?" I took out my pen and prepared to jot down his reply.

"Sonny?" He recognized me.

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