Chapter 8

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My head snapped up so fast I could have given myself whip lash, exposing my reddened eyes, "W-what?" I stuttered looking into his deep eyes.

"I want to help and if this is the only way I can then I'm going to pursue it love" he cupped my chin in his hand and tilted my head back up to him.

"What if I deny your money" I whispered.

"How much do you cost?" He whispered back.

"50 a night"

"I'll double it"

I froze. I really needed the money. He could tell I was thinking, his baby blues stared straight through my eyes.

"Emmy loves you, I couldn't use you. I can't do that to her"

"Then we pretend it's real" his lips were centimeters from mine still.

"Louis I can't..." I turned away and stood up crossing my arms over my stomach.

"I'm not asking for anything intimate with you Sonny. I'm only asking that you accept my money. For Emmy. and stop ignoring me" he walked closer behind me placing his hands on my hips but I stood unmoving.

Brushing a strand of hair behind my ear I tilted my head slightly back to see him, "just so you know I don't like doing this with you of all people" I began to walk away, Louis quickly grabbed my hand and walked alongside me.

"I don't blame you."

I nudged his shoulder and smiled as he looked down at me. His hands entangled in mine gave me a new warmth I've never known.

"I have to go home to an empty apartment now that Emmy's staying overnight at the hospital" I stated, kicking a rock along the sidewalk.

"Do you want me to come over?" He suggested.

"No it's rather messy" I lied. I kept our apartment entirely spotless.

"Okaaay well there's always my place?"

"I don't want to intrude. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive" he smiled down at me. In one swift movement he bent down and knocked my thighs out underneath me and supported my back with his other arm. Carrying me bridal style, he walked us back two city blocks to his car. His strength was incredible, almost as if it was nothing to carry me.

"I'll be right back" I said climbing out if his arms and quickly shuffling to the back room where I left my bag.

Trying to silently squeeze in the doors I tip toed to my bag in the dim room. "Where have you been?" I heard the deep voice approach from the looming corner. It was my boss. He was a big man who scared most of the girls.

"I've been working and.. look 20...?" I pulled random cash from my shoe.

"You should have been working on the floor" he growled snatching the 20 from my hand.

I involuntarily let out a whimper of resistance to his touch. "Don't do it again! I can replace you as easily as the next" he raised his arm and the back of his hand made impact with my cheek.

"Ah" I gasped holding my palm to my cheek. I grabbed my bag and ran out without saying another word.

Louis still stood there with his car door open ready to escort me in. My hand was still on my cheek. "Thanks" I smiled and hopped in.

Louis ran in front of the car and around to the drivers side. He immediately flipped on the radio.


"We don't need to hear that now" he laughed and turned off the radio just as fast.

"Is your place big?" I humbly tried to fill the air with conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2013 ⏰

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