first bind

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   "Y/N, dear, could you arrange the delivery of fresh bandages?"

"Sure, Shuzenji-sama!"

Bowing down in respect, you let your waist-length h/c locks fall into curtains around you. You stood up straight, coming face to face with the warm wrinkled face you had been working with for the past month. You pulled your hair into a ponytail, bending down to grab an arm full of bandages from the box on the desk.

"Did the boy from Class 2-J leave?" Recovery girl asked.

"Mhm," you hummed, "I sent him off with an excuse slip."

"Thank you, Y/N. I swear, you're an angel sent from heaven." Recovery girl - Chiyo Shuzenji - said to you, softly patting you on the back. You turned back to her with a smiling expression, your hands still stocking the rolls of white bandages into the sliding cabinet.

"I'm just a decent human being, Shuzenji-sama. Nothing more." you said, winking before you turned back to your work.

Chiyo chuckled through her smile, "You remind me of myself when I was younger."

"Kind?" you asked, your back toward the old woman.

"No, beautiful." Chiyo argued, earning a chuckle from you. "Inside and out."

"Thank you, Shuzenji-sama." you said earnestly. "You're still beautiful you know."

"Careful with the compliments, dear. I might fall for it!" she reprimanded playfully, "But I appreciate you trying to uplift little old me. If only youngsters these days were like you. Just take caution, Y/N, kind people like you are the ones who get taken advantage of the most."

"Hai, hai~" you sing-songed, sliding the cabinet closed.

Just then, the door burst open - revealing a boy you were far too familiar with. He had bruises all over his body, yet a quirky and goofy grin rested on his face. His eyes sparkled upon seeing you, and ran toward you as if the several injuries didn't even hurt a pinch. Your grin widened at the sight of him.

"L/N-chan!" he exclaimed.

"Midoriya-kun!" you exclaimed as well, greeting the boy with a smile.

Midoriya Izuku was a regular patient here in the clinic. The reason? He was the holder of a very dangerous quirk; One for All. Yes, you knew. How couldn't you? You were here the first time Midoriya rushed in with a broken finger. You were also here the moment Midoriya was rushed in from a class battle activity. 

Most importantly, you were here when he came in, injured, after the USJ incident. You were witness to his injuries; it was no blind guess to say that you knew a handful about his circumstance.

"Another injury, Midoriya?" Recovery Girl chirped in, the slightest but of irritation within her tone. "Getting injured every single day isn't good for your body or stamina! Why, I'd go and have a word with Toshi right now if I wasn't too busy! Maybe you should just stop using your quirk if it does you more harm than good."

For a moment, Midoriya looked alarmed. You stepped in before he could start his speech about becoming the top hero; an admirable speech, but an overused and frankly, cliche one.

"He doesn't get injured every day, Shuzenji-sama." you said, holding up a finger.

"T-that's right!" The boy nodded along with you in agreement, "Thanks, L/N-chan!"

"He doesn't go to school on weekends." you added, snickering when the green haired boy sweat dropped. Chiyo sighed at your antics, beckoning the boy over. You patted Midoriya on the back, mouthing a 'good luck' before you sent him to Chiyo - his doom - with a smile.

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