Chapter 5

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I felt a little awkward having listened to a part of their private conversation. I wasn’t supposed to know that, definitely not now maybe not ever. He must have sensed that there was something off with me once they walked away. He gave me a slight frown while he was studying my gaze. I tried my hardest to hide it. “They were really nice” I said.

“Ya they’re pretty great. Great to work with too.” He studied me for another moment before proceeding. “Hey why don’t we get outta here... go grab a cup of coffee. You’ve been here long enough. Right?” When it looked like I might be hesitating he quickly added “Plus you owe me the insider scoop” with a smile.

“Ah you’re right. I do. But what about Sarah?”

“I’ll go take care of it. I know where she’s at. I saw her just a moment ago.” And with that he was gone.

I watched him walk halfway across the room to Sarah. I know he intended to just let her know that we were leaving and then come back. But I also knew that nothing was that easy with Sarah. His eyes were on mine constantly as he walked back…with Sarah in tow. I chuckled to which he just shook his head.

“So I hear your feet hurt and you’re ready to take off?” asked Sarah.

“Ah yep….see” I showed her the shoes hanging from my fingertips. She started laughing. “Gorgeous but so not practical for 3 and a half hours of mingling.”

Still laughing she shook her head at me. “Only you would be barefoot carrying around $1000 shoes at a high fashion gala in Hollywood. Yeah you can go. I’ll be here for a little while longer ‘shaking hands and kissing babies’ you know”

She loved this part of her job though so I know she was enjoying it. “Thanks Sarah. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“I think that had more to do with your unexpected date then the event.” Yep there’s that damn knowing gaze again. “So where you two going? I know you’re not just heading up to your room to watch tv or something.”

“Wow” is all I got out with a nervous laugh.

“We’re just going to the coffee shop here in the hotel. I promised her a cup of coffee if she gave me some insider tips on my favorite characters.” My savior again…

“Ah just a fan date huh.” She didn’t buy it but I didn’t care if she would just let it go.

“Yep” I said quickly “so you gonna call me later and tell me about the work gossip I know you’ve found”

“As long as you’re not too busy”

To that even Taylor let out a nervous chuckle. “Ok on that note, we’re outta here. Have fun schmoozing Sarah.” I grabbed Taylors arm and turned to head out of the ballroom. Not soon enough though. I looked back and caught her saying “Yep you have fun too” with a smile.

“Your friend is definitely a mother hen type huh?” Taylor said when I turned back.

“Ya she’s mostly joking but she has kinda kept an eye on me since I’m not used to the Hollywood scene.”

“I don’t know if anyone can be used to the Hollywood scene but this must be really different for you. You’re from a small town in the Midwest right?”

For a minute I couldn’t figure out how he knew that and then I remembered that my bio had become public knowledge since my book hit the best seller list. All someone had to do was google my name now to know that, which he obviously did. “So you googled me huh?” I said with a smile.

Looking a little nervous he nodded. “Ya you caught me. I told you I’m a fan.”

Laughing I confessed “Well I guess were even. I’ve googled you a time or two before also.” To which he laughed.

We had just left the ballroom and entered the long hallway before the elevators when we stopped.

“Won’t we have problems with paparazzi at a coffee shop?” I asked.

He turned his body to face me. “Not the one I’m gonna take you too. This hotel does a really good job of keeping the paparazzi outside and this coffee shop overlooks the pool in the back so there’s no windows facing the street. We might get a fan or two but nothing too terrible.” He slid his hand down my arm to my hand slowly raising goosebumps the entire way. He looked up into my eyes as he slid his fingers in between mine, entwining them. “If you don’t need to change just yet I could show you the place.”

“That’s sounds good” was all I got out.

He smiled and turned, leading me hand in hand through the hotel. It wasn’t too far even though Taylor made a point to tell me along the way that we were going the long way to avoid going through the lobby which would be filled with paparazzi.

“They know you’re here huh?” I asked.

“They do yes, but on top of that this is a well-publicized gala. They’re always at these things hoping to catch a glimpse of somebody they can sell a picture of. Not just me.” He let out a sigh.

“Privacy is hard to have huh?”

“Extremely. I’m sure you’re getting a taste of that.”

“Of course but my face isn’t plastered everywhere. I’m usually not recognized until someone here’s my name. That’s why most of the time I use a fake name for reservations and things.”

“That’s a great idea. Good thinking.” He smiled that warm smile at me again. The look on his face could melt my heart.

We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered. It had started to cross my mind just before entering the coffee shop that I might be over dressed. But to my surprise the staff didn’t bat an eye at my apparel or at the fact that I was with Taylor Lautner. Taylor waited for me to get my drink, paid for both of them, and led me to a table in the back with a nice view of the pool. It was slightly secluded here. Noticing that I was admiring my surroundings, he said “What do you think?”

“It’s beautiful. And kinda tucked away. I love it. You use this quite a bit?”

“Only when I’m in this hotel. I’m glad you like it. I found it a couple years ago.”

I had been looking down at my coffee. I looked up and said “It’s awesome.” That smile might have been slightly more seductive then I intended. He held my gaze, it turning heady, before softening back up. I wonder why he’s tempering his looks? Maybe he’s just uncomfortable with flirting. Or maybe he doesn’t have much experience, but he is 24. Or maybe he’s just not into me…or doesn’t want to be. Hmm I’ll let it go for now.

We discussed my books, where I saw the characters go after, whether I was writing another book, and where they came from. He was truly into them. It was incredibly flattering to see him “fangirling” about me. It was a really nice conversation but something in me still wanted to take it further. As my cup emptied I put my hands together stretched out across the table, placing them between his that were resting on the table top. I looked at him seductively but continued the conversation. He looked at my hands for a minute then looked back up and continued the conversation as well. It wasn’t more than a minute or two until I first started feeling his fingers tracing circles on the backs of my hands. He continued for a few minutes, never flinching in our conversation. He then pressed his palms to the back of my hands, rubbing my skin with his thumbs absent mindedly. To that my breath caught and he noticed. He smiled a low longing smile. We sat like that talking about his interests and mine for another hour. Sometimes the gazes became more lustful but they were always controlled. It was crossing my mind that he might be controlling his responses because we were in public. A kiss would most certainly be news even with the best behaved staff. But a kiss was what I wanted. I just needed to find out if a kiss was what he wanted. But how was I supposed to do that. 

One moment, one life time (A Taylor Lautner love story)Where stories live. Discover now