Chapter 17

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Getting back to my room didn’t ease the feelings, in fact it made it worse. I checked my email but there was no new messages. Elliott probably hasn’t even checked his messages yet, I told myself. I tried to get some sleep and will the next day to begin, but it was a sleepless night. I dreamt of Taylor that night but in my dream I could hear him and just barely see him but I could never catch him. I awoke in a panic and wasn’t able to settle myself.

The next day brought a reply message from Taylor.

Kaley, honey, please don’t be mad. I’m going to continue to do everything I can to keep you safe but I also promise to remind you that I’m still here thinking of you. I’m falling in love with you too. Please hold onto that. Only 3 more weeks.

Yours always, Taylor

I was irritated by his overwhelming need to protect me even though he was nowhere near me but at the same time I did trust him. So I didn’t return the message. I left it up to him, just like I told him I would in California. I threw myself into my work. I wrote several chapters in my new book. I poured over possible screenplay adaptations. I took lessons from Sarah on being a charming hostess and met lots of people. Every day was filled with a new town, new meet and greets and interviews. Every night I spent working until I collapsed on my laptop and then chased Taylor in my dreams, still never catching him.

This pattern continued for another week with no word from him. I was stretching myself too thin and it was showing. Every day I needed increasing amounts of concealer to hide the dark circles and bags. Sarah was beginning to grow worried about me. She was monitoring my food intake and offered to sleep with me if it was nightmares.

Two days after Sarah initially started expressing worry about me, I got a surprise from Taylor. It was 12 days since I received that email. We had checked into our hotel in Denver where we would be staying for 3 days. Denver was to be another major stop on our tour. I was unpacking my clothes settling into my room before I was due to meet up with Sarah for a working dinner when there was a knock on the door. I answered it to find a beautiful boutique of flowers, some roses in a variety of colors mixed with daisies and lilies. It was absolutely beautiful. I tipped the bellboy that delivered them, closed the door, and checked the card. It would be strange to have gotten these from Sarah. The card said…

They’re not as beautiful as the ones in the restaurant and don’t hold a candle to your beauty but I wanted to brighten your day ~ Love T.

The white roses that we talked about in the restaurant our last night together…Oh my God they were from Taylor. He was thinking about me and wanted me to know. I could hardly hold my excitement enough to not run down the hall to Sarah’s room screaming. I may have even skipped some of the distance down there.


It was wonderful to have heard from him. I was on cloud 9 just to have gotten some kind of acknowledgement from Taylor. I talked a million miles a minute once Sarah opened the door. I was so giddy. Unfortunately that feeling only lasted until I was alone in my room trying to sleep that night. Then I missed him terribly, missed the feeling of his arms around me. I missed the strength and warmth that he always filled me with just by being near him. By the end of that sleepless night, I was deep in a depression fueled by loss and sleep deprivation. That was the way Sarah found me. I had missed breakfast.

She came in and found me in bed with the shades drawn just staring at the wall. “Did you sleep in? It’s time to get up you.” She was her normal cheery self. She came in and turned on the light which made me hide under the covers more. She ripped the covers from my face and one look told her. “You didn’t sleep last night? Kaley, sweetie, you look terrible.”

“Just leave me alone Sarah. Please cancel today. I’ll make it up another day. Work harder another day.” I was begging to be left alone even though being alone hurt so badly.

“No Kaley, I’m not leaving you alone. This is because of Taylor isn’t it. That boy needs to pick one, either he’s with you or he’s not!” She was pissed. She pulled out her phone and must have called Elliott. “Elliott…Hi its Sarah, we have a problem. Your client Taylor is fucking up mine now and I’m done with it…No I’m not calming down!...Ya she got the flowers! And now she’s missing him so bad that she won’t get up to do the interview. So you’re going to do me a favor and tell Taylor to fucking pick one, either he’s in her life or he’s leaving her alone. This rollercoaster shit is over Elliott!” With that she hung up.

I had never seen her so mad, glimpses maybe. She’s really a force to be reckoned with. If I wasn’t so tired I’d be impressed. She then called and ordered the biggest caramel cappuccino they made, a coffee for herself and a couple cinnamon rolls. Then she turned to me. “Ok now you are getting in the shower. You have 10 minutes before food is here and I want you showered first. I’ll postpone your first interview…until the afternoon but you’re doing things today. Plus after that phone call to Elliott you’ll hear from Taylor today.”

I nodded but couldn’t help thinking whether or not that would be a good thing or not. But Sarah was used to getting her own way so I headed for the shower.

Whether it was fear or Sarah I kept moving, got dressed, drank a bunch of cappuccino and headed out for the day. During the second interview I noticed Sarah got several phone calls. I hoped one was from Taylor but nothing came of it. Then just after I wrapped my last interview of the day a currier brought an envelope…for me. I signed for it just as Sarah walked out from production.

“So what’s that?” Sarah asked curious about the envelope.

“I don’t know.” I said as I started to rip open the envelope. What I read inside took my breath away…

My sweet Kaley,

I heard you got the flowers. I’m so so sorry that while I was trying to protect you I hurt you so badly. Even though I refuse to put you in harm’s way I’ve realized that I can’t shut you out either. It’s hurting both of us too badly. So Elliott and I devised a plan so that I could talk to you…safely. I’ll call you on your cell tonight around 7. I can’t wait.

Yours truly, Taylor

I wasn’t even able to answer Sarah’s questions of “What does it say?” so she ripped the card from my hands to read it herself. After reading it she said “Wow…Good for him. We should grab a quick bite to eat so you’re in your room ready to take that call. Something tells me it’s gonna be a long conversation” she added with a smile.

We turned to walk to the waiting SUV when she says, still smiling “Oh remind me to call Elliott and thank him” to which we both laugh.

Dinner was good, at least I think it was. I really don’t remember it. I was so excited about talking to Taylor in a few hours.

Finally I was back in my room. Sarah had kidded me the whole time about being a middle school girl waiting for a boy to call for the first time. I guess my excitement showed.

As I paced the room waiting for his call I got thinking about that note. Something wasn’t adding up...That note was handwritten and it was in Taylor’s writing. I recognized it right away. How is that possible? There’s no way he could have sent that from California and got it to me that quickly…

One moment, one life time (A Taylor Lautner love story)Where stories live. Discover now