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TW: Sexual content.


*Harry's POV*

Monday morning, I was late to the office.

My morning was a disaster. Firstly, I woke up late. Secondly, Niall had spilled coffee on the laundry clothes and to apologize he offered to do the laundry. Thirdly, I broke my watch in a hurry to wear. Then, I got super late to office, and instead of wearing a suit like usual, I wore a red button-up shirt and black jeans.

I parked my car and practically ran in to the office. A mouthed a 'good morning' to the receptionist and jogged up the stairs, not wanting use the elevator. I saluted Zayn and flipped Niall off on the way to the cabin and then, I entered the cabin.

Louis was sitting on his chair and typing away on the keyboard as usual. "Morning, dickhead." I said and he hummed in response, without looking away from the screen. I walked over to my desk and set down my bag. I began working on the excel I had to complete.

After maybe half-an-hour, Louis kept his laptop away, got up and stretched. He then looked at me and said, "Morning, asshole. Why were you late?"

I saved my work and got up from my chair. I heard his breath hitch in his throat but ignored it. I walked over to him, still typing on my phone. I said, midst typing, "Monday blues, I guess. Morning was just a disaster."

I tucked my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and looked at him, and I saw him looking me up and down. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He then looked me in the eye and said, "Oh, I see. Uhm. I have a call. Talk to you after that." And he went back to his grey Dell laptop.

I just rolled my eyes and left the cabin, wanting to talk to Zayn a bit.

I walked to Zayn's desk, which had a photo frame of him a Gigi and another of his family. There were two piles of papers on his desk today, which made me feel bad for the poor guy. "Hey Zayn." I said and he smiled but didn't look up from his paper, "Hey H."

"Why are there so two piles of papers today?"

"Niall took an off; I'm doing his work as well." He said and I gaped at him, "But I just saw him..." "Yeah, he still wanted to go. I don't know why." He said.

"Does Louis know?" I asked. "I think so." He said.

I nodded and decided to let the topic drop. "So, how serious is it between you and Gigi?" I asked.

He looked up from his paper and I saw he was red. He said, "Very. I'm madly in love with her." I nodded and patted his back, "Happy for you, mate." "Thanks buddy." He said and continued doing his work.

I walked over to Mitch's room and decided to spend some time with the guy.


I left Mitch's room only after lunch.

We discussed plans for a new type of program which could be written, and wrote a little of it. We had Spaghetti and meat balls, and then I left his room at around two in the afternoon.

I entered my cabin and Louis said, "Hi." I saw him sitting at his desk, fixing his quiff.

"Hi." I said, with a smile. He walked up to me and then said, "Guess what."

"What?" I asked.

"We made it to the newspapers." He said and handed me a copy. I read the headline.


Cufflinks and Quiffed Hair // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now