Chapter 8

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" where is she" breathed Meredith out loud. Izzie grabbed Meredith's hand and walked to Cristina's room. " Get off of me you stupid interns" shouted Cristina. Meredith looked at Izzie and Izzie just nodded. Meredith turned around the corner and smiled. " Welcome back"

" So i finally managed to get you back here huh?" smiled Cristina. " I'm glad you're okay" " Me to Merr" sighed Cristina. " I met Owen yesterday" chuckeled Meredith. " He was here, seriously?" Cristina smirked slightly. " Yes he was " responded Meredith. " Can i see Emma soon?" asked Cristina suddenly. " Ofcourse, its 4 am now, i'll go home for a shower and take her with me at 8 am ad well will be there right after 8, Misses Emma gets annoying if she doesn't get her beauty sleep" Cristina smiled tired. " I-i think i'm going to sleep for a bit" " Goodnight Cris" smiled Meredith.

" Hey Meredith? is that you?" smiled Callie Torres. Meredith looked at Callie curious, " Oh Oh right, Callie Torres, Ortho" chuckeled Meredith. " We've only briefly met before you left but well every one talks, its a chatty place" smiked Callie. " That for sure hasn't changed a bit" chuckeled Meredith. Callie's pager went off " Crap, 911 on my Jane Doe, bye Meredith good to see you again" " Yeah " smiled Meredith.

Meredith grabbed her phone and dialed Derek's number. " Shepherd" " So you pick your phone up with your last name now a days?" chuckeled Meredith. " Mer?" asked Derek weird. " Yess.., i'm never this forward.. but do you want to get a drink now?" asked Meredith. " I'm almost leaving where are you?" "i'm almost near the entrance to, is Joe's even open at 4 am inthe middle of the night?" asked Meredith suddenly remembering its 4am. " Yeah Joe does night shifts" chuckeled Derek.

Derek waved his bag in the air when he saw Meredith looking lost for a sec. Meredith smirked bright when she saw Derek. Derek kissed Meredith's cheek, her cheeks fluttering red, " Oh i-i'm sorry " stuttered Derek . " its fine Derek! don't worry" smiled Meredith.

They walked into Joe's getting greeted by Joe " Meredith, Hey!" smiled Joe. "Tequila?" he asked immediatly. Meredith smiled and nodded. " A vodka for me" nodded Derek. Joe poured them both their drinks " They are on the house" smiled Joe. Meredith drank it immediatly " Haven't had tequila in 4 years" sighed Meredith. Derek looked at Meredith and smiled " Then take another one"

8 Tequila's and 5 Vodka's later were Meredith and Derek laughing and drunk hanging onto each other for life. Derek lifted Meredith up and walked her outside. He put Meredith down on the ground and Meredith pushed him against the wall kissing him roughly. Derek lifted her up and opened his car. He layed her on the back seat while kissing her. Derek pushe Meredith's sweater of and unbuttoned his blouse. They both pulled down their pants, doing what they were so good in doing 4 years ago.

Meredith yawned tired and stretched out feeling her own bed under her. Everything that happened last night came flowing back. She but on her bathrobe and walked downstairs

" Grey" chuckeled Alex . Meredith looked up " Hey Alex! good to see you again" smiled Meredith hugging Alex briefly. Izzie and Lexie both looked at Meredith judgingly " Ill head back to the hospital" smiled Alex " See you later Merr"

" Meredith Grey" sighed Izzie. "What?" " What time is it?" asked Meredith. " Its 8:30 am" sighed Lexie. " I promised to be with Cristina at 8 am" sighed Meredith. " Ill go in 2 hours" " probably getting that alcohol out of your system huh?" sighed Izzie. " How did i end in my bed?" sighed Meredith. " Derek brougjt you upstairs" responded Izzie. " I'm not going to run around this, but Meredith Grey, did you sleep with Derek" Asked Lexie. Meredith flushed " No , no why?" " You cant lie, you still can't" chuckeled Izzie. " Well i-i, never mind" " Go dress up, and then wake up Emma, breakfast in an hour" smiled Izzie.

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