Chapter 21

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Matteo's pov



"Perché stavi riempiendo la testa di Riley con quelle sciocchezze?"

Translate : Why were you filling riley's head with those nonsense

"intendi la verità"

Translation : You mean the truth?

"Non voglio che tu parli con lei"

Translation : I don't want you speaking to her

"Capo sappiamo entrambi che sta solo sostituendo il culo ossuto di tatiana"

Translation : Capo we both know she's just filling in for tatiana's boney ass

"Hai visto cosa è successo a tatiana ti succederà se mi manchi di rispetto"

Translation : You saw what happened to tatiana it will happen to you if you disrespect me

"Per favore, ho fatto la maggior parte del lavoro, tu sei diventato soft capo, non c'è da stupirsi che i russi stiano vincendo"

Translation : Please i did most of the work you went soft capo no wonder the russians are winning"

"Non stanno vincendo" I punched the wall right next to her face.

Translation : They're are not winning!

"Non c'è bisogno di arrabbiarsi per la verità"

Translation : No need to get angry at the truth

"Se i russi stanno vincendo perché non ti unisci a loro?"

Translation : If the russians are winning why don't you go join them

"Devo la mia lealtà alla mafia italiana, non a te"

Translation : I owe my loyalties to the italian mob not you"

"Sono il leader val che devi rispettarmi"

Translation : Im the leader val you have to respect me

"No, non credo che tuo padre fosse un leader decisamente migliore"

Translation : No i don't your dad was a way better leader

"Non tirarlo su" i pushed her up against the wall .

Translation : Don't you bring him up

"Sappiamo entrambi che non gli prenderai mai i panni, sei troppo debole, non puoi nemmeno uccidere tatiana da solo"

Translation : You and i both know you will never fill his shoes you're too weak can't even kill tatiana by yourself

I smacked her and heard a gasp , i turned around and saw ava and riley standing with their mouths open .

"Leave val"


"Im sorry you guys had to see that"

"It's cool it's like tatiana never left"

"Seriously riley"

She shrugged and grabbed a bunch of candy and handed it to ava.

"I don't want her to eat that much candy"

"She's six calm down papa smurf"

"Ava you know the rules"

"Please papa only for tonight"

"Only if you give me a kiss"

She sighed and pecked my cheek .

Mafia Series #1 :Nanny To The Italian MobsterWhere stories live. Discover now