Chapter 28

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Matteo's pov

We arrived at the mannor and ava ran into my arms.

"Papa where were you?"

"I had to take care of riley"

"Riley!" Ava opened her arms so that riley could take her.

"Hey ava i missed you" they hugged and i took our stuff upstairs .  I went into my office to see my dad and lox talking .

"Spettegolare vedo"

Translation : Gossiping i see

"Stavamo solo parlando di come prenderò il comando"

Translation :We were just talkin about how im gonna take charge

"Papà sono al comando, non puoi farci niente"

Translation : Dad im in charge you can't do anything about it

"Lox pensa che tu debba fare un passo indietro e concentrarti su tuo figlio"

Translation :Lox thinks you need to take a step back and focus on your kid


"Mi dispiace capo ma la tua attenzione non è stata 100"

Translation :Im sorry boss but your attention hasn't been 100

"Ho dovuto prendermi cura di Riley, è colpa mia se le hanno sparato e non potrà avere figli"

Translation :I had to take care of riley it's my fault she got shot and won't be able to have children

"Hai sparato allo staff per un'altra ragione per cui devo essere al comando"

Translation : You got the staff shot another reason i need to be in charge

"Questo è tutto" i grabbed my dad out of the chair and punched him .

Translation : That's it

"Io sono il capo qui voi due siete stati banditi dal padrone, andatevene dai cazzo"

Translation : Im the boss here you two are basnished from the mannor get the fuck out

"Non puoi bandire tuo padre"

Translation :You can't banish your father

"Sono appena uscito dal cazzo"

Translation :I just did get the fuck out

"Jake!" I yelled and riley's brother cane in . Did i mention when i was at the cabin i hired jake as my right hand man? No ? Well now you know

"Chi è"

Translation :Who's this?

"Il mio braccio destro che ti butterà fuori"

Translation : My right hand man who's gonna kick you out

Jake grabbed lox and my dad and took them out . I sat down in my chair and poured me a glass of whiskey .

"You hired my brother as your lackey?" My door slammed open as a  angry riley stood infront of me.

"Seriously i can't get one moment of peace and quiet?"

"Oh sorry your highness"

"Your brother seems like the perfect fit"

"He doesn't like you"

"He loves the money though"

"You're sleeping in your own bed tonight"

"Seriously riley"

She gave me the finger and walked back out .
We have been back for what a minute? And shit's already ruined .

I sat in my office for hours until i felt like going downstairs to see riley and ava going into the kitchen.

I grabbed my car keys and went and told them i was gonna be out for a few.

"Where are you going?"


"You're joking right?"

"Nope I'll see you later"

"Ava sweety go start with our fort please"


Riley stood infront of me and just stared .

"I have better things to do"

She smacked me and i grabbed her throat and pressed her against a wall.

"You really gonna go fuck someone after we have one fight?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"Can't believe your the reason i can't get pregnant"

I stayed quiet and a tear ran down her cheek making my heart clench . There i go again breaking the women i love's heart fucking awesome .

"If you go out that door we're done"

I let go of her and threw my keys on the counter.

"Im not going anywhere"

She wiped her tears away and went back to baking .

"Riley can we talk?"

"No i need a minute"

I sighed and walked into the living room and layed down on the couch .

"Yo"  jake came in and sat down next to me .

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"My sister went off on me about taking a job here"

"Yeah she came after me too"

"Im guessing you were a dick since she's crying still"

"Why do i keep screwing up"

"You're damaged and so is my sister you just have to communicate"

"Yeah i tried that"

"Maybe don't tell her your going to go bone someone else"

"I wasn't really going go have sex with Lucia"


"Around 40"

"Wow you like em young and old"

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"I saw how my sister looks at you and even though i made sure she knew how horrible you are she still loves you"

"Gee thanks"

"Im coming around it's hard to get use to"

"Just go talk to her and if she wants you to leave don't fucking leave"

"How is a 23 year old giving me advice?" I mumbled to myself.

"That's cause you suck at dating" he patted my shoulder and walked back out .

Are we dating? I never really popped the big question ... im not really the boyfriend type ...

This is ridiculous  .

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