Tay tay mamma

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Everly's POV
"Riley come here please baby, "I tell my daughter as I cut up her fruit.
"Mamma mamma mamma," She yells running to me from her play room
"Hey babygirl I need to tell you something, "I say as I pick her up and put her in her high chair.
"Tay Tay mamma," She says to me in her voice that sounds like Benny's baby voice. Man I miss my boy.
"So mommy has been thinking about moving to California where mommy grew up. And she decided that we go their to live," I told her as I handed her her plate. she looked at me confused and asked, "Mommy what does dat me?" "It means our house is some where far away from here. its where grandma lives," I tell her
"But but mommy gampa he be sad if we weave him," she looks at me as she says this her eyes watering.
I grab her out of her high chair hold her and tell her, "I know baby but he thinks its a good idea and we can face time him and come down to visit I promise you baby girl ok."
"Tay Tay mommy," She tells me burrowing her head in my neck.
"Ok baby why don't you eat so I can clean the kitchen kk," I told her putting her back in her high chair.
"Tay Tay," she says eating some watermelon.

Later that dayI'm in my room packing my clothes while Riley is taking her nap

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Later that day
I'm in my room packing my clothes while Riley is taking her nap. I'm sitting in the floor of my closet multitasking. I'm going thru my shoes pumping milk out of my fucking boobs and downloading movies on rie ries iPad for the car ride we are going to leave tomorrow night so she will sleep on the way to the valley. I'm going thru all my shoes and I find my black pf flyers Benny gave me I put them in the going with me box and moved on till I got to my baseball stuff man has it been a while I wonder how Benny is doing I bet he is doing amazing.

Benny's POV
"MOM SHUT THE FUCK UP I DIDN'T ASK YOU I SAID I WAS GOING TO THAT PARTY TONIGHT,"I yell at my mom getting my pf flyers and the necklace that has ev's name on it. Man do I miss my girl I will get the love of my life back till then I need a beer.
"NO YOU ARE NOT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN RODRIGUEZ YOU ARE GROUNDED AGAIN FOR 2 WEEKS," she yells back coming into my room "I already am grounded remember, "I say chuckling and slipping out my window and getting in Phillips car.

Everly's POV
I thankfully finished packing my room the whole time Riley was asleep and I got most of my bathroom packed as well as pumping an 8 ounce bottle and a 4 ounce bottle so I just have Riley's bathroom bedroom playroom and then the kitchen living room and Laundry room witch I'm having my dad come over and do while I take Riley out to get boxes.
I go in to Riley's room because I hear her crying.
"Hey baby your ok here," I pick her up giving her a passie and bouncing her up and down while patting her back. "M-ma-mamma?" she askes clutching my shirt. "Yes baby I'm write here its ok did you have a bad dream baby girl?" I ask her. She nods her head. "ok baby. its ok it was just a dream just a dream. Do you want to go to the store with me while grandpa packs the other rooms for us?" I ask her. "yea yea mamma pease pease can I go?" she asks bouncing on my hip. I just smile and nod my head. I get her dressed and I put her in her car seat and since she was small when she was born because I was 14 when I had her she is still small so she still where's 9-12 months clothes so she still sits in a newborn car seat that still hooks into the stroller so I put her in and I put the car seat cover on it as well. and I give her a bottle of milk that I pumped earlier and packed her dipper bag and loaded her, her bag and stroller in to the car.

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