She's sick she doesn't hate you

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We walked out from the office back to the car.
"Poor baby's got the flu I feel so bad for her," I say getting in the driver side of the car. "I know it sucks," she says getting in the passenger side of the car.
I buckle up and ask Riley "You ready baby girl?" "Yeah I want to go ome dada," she tells me. I nod my head, "ok baby girl." I put my hand on Eves thigh and she just looks at me. The look that I have missed more than anything. She just smiles and puts her hand on mine. I love this girl. I love my girl.
We get home and I put Riley on the counter. "Have I told you I love you," I tell E wrapping my arms around her waist. "Ya you have and I love you too."
"Good now will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask her. "Yes jet I will." She's called me jet since i outran the beast when we were 14. "Do you want to play ball tomorrow?" I ask. "Yea only if we can drive because we have to take Riley's outdoor playpen her car seat her stroller and well herself that's a lot to carry while walking.we cant forget her lunch because she has to eat." "Yes baby we can drive. Now let's get our baby in bed i wants to cuddle. Ive missed your cuddles." "Ya I've missed yours to but i think Riley is better at cuddling then you are." "Shut up," i tell her as We put Riley in bed and in some super cute pjs.

We go back to our room E goes and takes a shower and I'm laying in bed

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We go back to our room E goes and takes a shower and I'm laying in bed. She comes out and is wearing a hoodie I gave her 3 or 4 years ago. "You still have that thing?" I ask impressed and laughing at her. "Yes I do I wear it a lot thank you," she says proud. I laugh and pull her close to me and and tell her, 'I love you so so so so so so so much."

I woke up and didn't see ev so I yelled "BABY

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I woke up and didn't see ev so I yelled "BABY." "I'm in Riley's room jet," she yells back. I stand up and Walk in. I grab Riley from her and as, "Is she wearing a swimsuit?" "No.Now pack your daughters bag while I feed her," she says grabbing her back from me. I laugh and nod my head. "You look cute by the way," I say packing. "Thank you now pack. Stop. Stalling," she says laughing. "Ok ok and what's with you and your strange socks?"
"Don't judge now shut up and pack her bag ill tell you what to grab." I shake my head and laugh, "fine now shut up and feed my baby."


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"You ready?" I ask

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"You ready?" I ask. "I think ok do we have the playpen?" "Yes." "Car seat, stroller, her little glove, lunch box, an-" "Yes baby girl now let's go," i tell her grabbing her hand.
We load everything in the car and drive to the ally we get out and go to the familiar gate. "Lets go,"i tell her grabbing her hand and getting Riley out of the car. "Ya ok lets go," she replies returning the favor of holding my hand.

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Everly's POV"Hey boys care if we play some ball!" I yell at the boys

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Everly's POV
"Hey boys care if we play some ball!" I yell at the boys. "Never," smalls says from left field. I grab Rileys car seat from benny and send him to get the rest of her stuff. "Alright boys I'm going to get her set up and ill come play. I just need to get her in her pack n play set up." I set her car seat on the bench and i get her out of the car seat. All the boys run over to us and surrounded me. "Can i hold her," ham asked me. "I mean if she lets you. Hey baby do you want to go uncle ham?" I asked her. "No. No. No. mommy i hold you." Ham looks sad and says, "she hates me." "She doesn't hate you dummie she's sick and wants her mamma," benny says sitting the stuff down. "But she would come to me if i asked. Come here baby lets go throw baseballs at your uncles,"benny says grabbing Rie Rie from me. "Tay tay dada," she says. "She does hate me i knew it,"ham says again. "She doesn't ham she just loves her daddy and feels safe with him she's doesn't know y'all very well yet," i tell ham and the rest of the crew. "Now go play ball while i get the rest of my daughter stuff together so we can play ball," i tell them getting her play pin set up. 
Once i get her toys in there i put some snacks in her snack container and put her cup in their and head to the batters box.
"Come here baby lets go play in your play pin while your mommy and daddy play some baseball,"i say reaching for her. "Awwwww babyyyyy we want to hit people with baseballs let usssss," benny wines at me. "How about .......... No," i tell him grabbing Riley. We walk over to her playpen  and i set her in and grab my glove. "y'all ready boys. The best ball player wall have ever had is back and better then ever," i tell them going over to first base where i play. They all  laugh and we start the game.
We play for about an hour till i hear, "mommy mommy mommy, daddy daddy daddy!" We run over to her. "Ya baby what's wrong?" Benny asked her. "I missed y'all," she tells us. "You want to come play ball with daddy baby," benny asks grabbing her from the play pin. "Yea yea yea dada i want to play ase ball," she's tells him in her cute voice. "Ok baby girl lets go."
"Alright boys we've got the baby playing with us so be nice you've all seen her dad when he's mad," i tell them all going to my base. "Its not good."

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