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Benny's POV
It's negative.
"Dang it I was excited. I want another baby," I say.
"Baby we can try if you want. I just think we should ween Riley off of nursing first."
"Ok so we are going to start trying," she says.
"Yes we are," I tell her.
I kiss her head and and she tells me she wants to go shopping and get some supplies to start taking tests and also to get groceries. I nod my head and we go down stairs. She walks out the door and I sit on the couch and grab the baby monitor and the remote.

I look at the monitor and see she is starting to wake up. So I get up and make Riley a bottle of her moms breast milk so we can start weaning her off.

I grab the bottle and go upstairs and grab Riley.
"Hey baby love did you have a good sleep?" I ask. Damn I sound like my mom.
"Mhm," she tells me me nuzzling her head in my neck.
I can't help but laugh I head down stairs and sit Rie rie on the floor and hand her her bottle.
"What's you wanna watch? Do you wanna watch curious George?"
"Nu nu. Hold you," she says making the cute grabby hands at me.
"I will hold you when I come back baby do you and a snack first?" I ask her, putting the bottle in her hand.
"Nu hold dada," she says to me standing up and putting her hands up.
I sigh and pick her up, "ok baby girl we are at least going to watch couriers George."

Sitting in the rocking chair I decided to text the sandlot boys in our group chat.

The sandlot crew

Hey who wants to come
over E left to get
Groceries and now
I'm just cuddling the baby

I will I want to see my baby

Ok first my. MY baby but anyone else?

I'll come I'm bored

Me and windy will come over too

Ok just come in I'm not getting up to open the door because Riley is almost asleep

I hear the door open.
"Wear is my baby?"Bertram asks.
"Im in the living room B."
Bertram comes in and goes for rie rie.
"No she's asleep sit and watch curious George. We are at a good part."
"Really is this one wear they go to the country?"
"Yea bro sit."
He sits on the couch and starts watching the tv.

Ten minutes smalls squints and windy come in.
"Hey Benny long ti-," Wendy starts but I cut her off.
"Shhhhh George just got stuck in the tree sit downnnn," I tell them.
"Wow you are two," smalls says laughing.
I roll my eyes and flip him off.

The baby he didn't know aboutWhere stories live. Discover now