Hey benny boy

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Everly's POV
It's about 3 o'clock and all I hear is, "MOMMY I FREW UP." She's crying hysterically. "Ok baby hold on," I tell her pulling in to a truck stop.
I get her out and I put her in the trunk and take her clothes off and put them in a bag and grab the wipes. "You don't feel good at all baby do you?" I ask her. "N-no mommy," she tells me. "Im sorry baby girl let's get you cleaned up," I tell her wiping her down.  "Can I have boobies mommy?" She asked me. "Yes baby girl we can take a little break,"I tell her.
I get her wiped down and put her in pjs and I just sat in the back seat and let her drink milk. Luckily nothing got on her car seat so I don't have to clean that.
She drank till she feel asleep so I put her in her car seat. I put the dirty clothes in a bag and got back in and got back on the road.

I was getting hungry about 8 and I still have 4 hours left

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I was getting hungry about 8 and I still have 4 hours left. I stoped at subway to get some food and I get Riley out of the car. "Come on rie rie,"I tell her unblucking her. "We dare now?" She asks wrapping her arms around my neck. I shake my head, "no baby."

We got to the valley about 12 AM so I pulled into the house and looked across the street at Benny's house the lights where out so I opened the back seat and got rie rie out. "We dare mommy?" She asks me tiredly. "Yes we are baby girl. Yes we are baby girl," I tell her.
We went inside and I got her out of the car seat and i had to put sheets on her bed. I then put her to bed and went straight to bed my self they had the beds maid and set up so I went straight to bed.

The next morning
I got dressed and went to pump down stairs because Riley was still asleep. I heard crying so I walked to Rileys room and she was awake she didn't looked like she was feeling better I got her out and dressed. She looked a little pail so I asked her "Do you feel better baby girl?" "Kina,"she told me. I nod my head and went down stairs.

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I sat on the couch and let her drink milk when she was done I grabbed her dipper bag and a breastfeeding cover and went next door

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I sat on the couch and let her drink milk when she was done I grabbed her dipper bag and a breastfeeding cover and went next door. I knocked on the door and Lilly answered.
"Hi Lilly," I said to bennys mom.
"OH MY GOD EVERLY," she yelled. Riley got scarred and starter crying so I gave her her passie and she calmed down.
"Sorry she is a little scared of loud noises," I told Lilly bouncing rie rie while she calmed down.

Benny's POV
I woke up and I heard my mom yell
"OH MY GOD EVERLY," that's all it took to make me run down stairs. I didn't have a shirt or shorts on I sprinted down the stairs. I had eves necklace on and boxers. At least I had boxers on
"Mom did you say Everly," she sure did their she was with all her Beauty. Holding a baby?

Everly's POV
"Benny what if it was a different Everly huh?" Lilly said to Benny. "I don't care," Benny said running to the door.
I saw my Benny boy and all I said was, "hey Benny boy want to meet your daughter."
"Wha what," is what he said. "Ya ok so this is Riley Rose Rodriguez she is your daughter Benny," I tell him.
"Hi I'm yley I'm 1," she tells them.
"Can can I hold you?" Benny asked her. She shakes her head and burrowing her head in my neck.
"Sorry she's shy. Rie rie that's your dada," I tell her.
"Dada?" She asks "ya baby he's your dada," I her her. "Dada mommy won't give me bobbies tell her too," she says to him looking up, and reaching for Benny. He grabbed her. "Riley your shirts says that's what you had for breakfast because that's what you did have," I tell her. We all laugh as shes just giggling. "Come on in Everly," Lilly says to me. I walk in and Riley reached for me and I grabbed her. "Are you being shy baby girl?" I ask as she's burrowing her head on my chest.
"Ok can we talk about this upstairs please?" Benny asked me.
"Ya let's go," we walk up stairs.
"Ok so she is your daughter I found out I was pregnant after I moved," I tell him.
"So did you move back?" He asks.
I put Riley down she fell asleep so I know she's still sick. I walk over to Benny and wrap my hands around his neck. "Yes I did Benny boy," I tell him. He wraps his hand around my waist and kisses me. "I love you so much Everly Storm Black," he tells me. "I love you to Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez," I tell him.
"Why didn't you tell me you where pregnant?" He asks. "I was scared," I say hiding my head in his chest. "Never be scared your the love of my life," he tells me kissing my head. I nod my head and I hear, "MAMMA MAMMA I FEEL WIKE FROWING UP!" She yells running over to me. I pick her up and take her to the bath room I take her bow and shoes off. "Ok baby girl shhhhhhh it's ok baby shhhhhhh," I tell her rocking her on the ground. Benny looks at me scarred. "It's ok Benny boy she's just sick," i told him. "Dada i is ok I no feel good. So mommy just give me boobies to make me feel better," Riley says pulling at my shirt.
"You are just like me," Benny says. "Huh?" I say. "You really like your mommy's boobies," he says. "Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez no."

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