Cute daddy daughter cuddles

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Everly's POV
I unpack a lot of Riley's stuff I mostly have toys and extra covers of things so I finish putting all my breast feeding covers in a drawer and head down stairs.
I walk in the living room and see all the boys watching tv and I look over at the rocking chair and see Benny and Rie Rie cuddling and both asleep. "How long have they been like that?" I ask no one in Particular sitting on the couch arm. "About 30-40 minutes. She feel asleep while we were watching paw patrol so we changed it to sponge bob," smalls tells me. "Really sponge bob theirs way better shows to watch trust me I know I have a kid and this is all that's ever on. So I know. Now y'all can stay if y'all want I don't care I'm going to be unpacking upstairs. So if Benny or Riley wakes up tell them I'm upstairs," I tell them going up the stairs.

Benny's POV
I wake up with Riley in my arms and I hear sponge bob? "Why the hell are y'all watching sponge bob?" I ask barley opening my eyes. "Because it was on and it's the best thing ever," Kenny says to me. I roll my eye and hold Riley close to me.
I fall back asleep holding my baby girl in my arms. And all I can think is. I love my little family. I'm going to ask if I can move in. I'm going to do it. Ya I'm ready. Ya.

I wake up again but this time I don't here anything but soft snores of Riley. I stand up with her and walk upstairs. I go in her room and see it's all set up and no more box's. I lay Riley in her bed and she wines a little so I give her her passie since it feel out while she was sleeping. I kiss her head and say, "I love you baby girl."
I go in to E's room and see her unpacking. "Hey baby I have a question," I say.
"Ya jet what's up?"
"Can I move in?" I ask clear as day. As well as smiling like an idiot
"Yea I want to really bad. It's all I've ever wanted you know this."
"Only if you admit Riley is a fantastic cuddler."
"Yes she is now can I live with the love of my life and baby girl now? Please."
"Yes jet now go to your house and pack your clothes I'll get you some drawers and stuff and tell your mom I said hi and I love her."
I kiss her goodbye and head over. I'm the happiest man alive.

The next day

Benny's POV
I wake up and Riley is laying by me cuddled up. All I can do is just smile. I lay their for a good hour till she wakes up not wanting to disturber her since she was sick all night.
"Ya baby I'm right here. Right here."
"I wanna go down stairs and have mommy's milk."
"Ok baby girl."
We go down stairs and see E pumping.
"Mommy I want a bottle."
"What you really want a bottle," eve says in disbelief.
"Ya cause I wanna hold dada and he has no boobies so."
"Ok baby," I tell her sitting down.
E gets a lid for the bottle she just pumped and she brings it to me.
"Here you go baby,"she hands it to me and gives me a kiss on the lips and kisses Riley's temple.

 "Here you go baby,"she hands it to me and gives me a kiss on the lips and kisses Riley's temple

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"Ok so who wants to go to the pool today. It's way to hot to play ball and I need to keep Riley active that's how she gets better activates."
"Ya baby text the boys group chat on my phone and tell them I bet they will be fine with it."
"Kk rie rie you want to go swimming?" She asks her.
I take the bottle out of her mouth so she can talk.
"Yea mommy I want to go swimmin."
"Ok baby girl well when you finish that bottle you and dada come up stairs and I'll be getting dressed and I'll get your swimsuit."
She goes upstairs and we follow up after Riley finishes her bottle.
"Dang babe," I say walking in Riley's nursery.
"Oh shut up. Come here baby girl get away from stinky daddy."
"Dada's not stinky he smells really yummy actually," Riley says to her mom witch makes up both laugh.

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