Its fall yall

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Benny's POV-
The triplets are 5 months old and it's Riley's birthday weekend. It's also mine and Riley's one year anniversary soon, and by soon I mean the week after Riley's 2 birthday.
Authors note- yes I know it doesn't line up go with it.
I wake up hearing Riley run in are room.
"Mommy mommy. Daddy daddy the babies are loud!" She yells jumping in our bed cuddling up with me.
"I know baby girl how about you go in your playroom while me and daddy get the babies dressed for the day yea," Everly says coming out of the bathroom dressed. "You look cute baby," I say putting Riley on the ground and going to hug here. I whisper in her ear "maybe when all the kids are asleep tonight I can take those off you." I kiss her neck and walk to the door with Riley following me, "I'll get Rowdy dressed."

I go to rowdy's room and see he's sitting up

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I go to rowdy's room and see he's sitting up. "Nooo stop that bubba," I say picking him up. He just giggles at me.
I lay him on his changing table and get a dipper and his clothes for the day.

"You look cute bubba good thing mamma picks your outfits out or you'd be in Nike or adidas all the time

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"You look cute bubba good thing mamma picks your outfits out or you'd be in Nike or adidas all the time."

I grab him and go to the girls rooms and see E struggling, so I put Rowdy down on the floor and grab Reese from her bed. "Want some help baby?" I ask kissing Reese's head. "Please please please get Reese dressed please," she begs me. "Ok baby," I tell her laying on the ground grabbing her outfit.
I change her dipper and put her out fit on.

"Ok I'm going to go get dressed do you want me to wait or?"I ask

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"Ok I'm going to go get dressed do you want me to wait or?"I ask.
"No go baby it's ok," she tells me.
"Ok I love you."
"Love you."

"Riley you need a shirt we are going to the pumpkin patch!" E yells running after our oldest daughter

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"Riley you need a shirt we are going to the pumpkin patch!" E yells running after our oldest daughter.
"Noooooooooo daddy save meeeeeeeeeee!" She yells running to me. I pick her up and spin her around. "I'm sorry baby but mommy right will you put the shirt on and I'll make you a sippy cup of sweet tea," I make her on offer. "Deal," she say putting her arms up so E can slip the shirt on her.

"We get to the pumpkin patch and we see the sandlot crew and Wendy with their baby

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"We get to the pumpkin patch and we see the sandlot crew and Wendy with their baby.

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