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Sleep is my escape route, if only I could just lie down in the middle of the hallway and escape the world around me. Because then I wouldn't have to see the love of my life hold someone's else's hand. They're both walking ahead of me leaving me behind to watch Miah lean down and kiss Belle on the cheek. I instantly roll my eyes when I hear her giggle and see her cheeks go red. I looked down at their hands and internally groan in annoyance, desperately wishing that it was me holding her hand again. I look around trying to distract myself only to see other students gawking at them.

I mean who wouldn't? They're the hottest couple on campus. If I was gay, I would probably be infatuated with Miah too. I cringed at myself quietly finding that thought ridiculous. Not because of the fact that I would like Miah, it's the fact that I would still be in the same position, the pathetic, sad boy trailing behind.

No one knows that I'm in love with Belle and I am not planning on telling anyone just yet. It's not because I'm afraid, I am just afraid to lose a certain someone in my life.

I look up and examine Miah, he sure is a head turner. He's 6ft tall with a nice broad shoulders. He has short black hair and has sexy black eyes that makes every girls knees weak. I can see why Belle is smitten. I feel my heart shatter of the thought. Not being able to take it anymore, I decide to walk ahead of them, ignoring a pair of eyes boring into the back of my head.

I rushed into the classroom and walk towards the desk in the back that is next to the window. I throw my backpack on the floor and sit on the chair. I place my cheek on the desk, facing the window and close my eyes, wanting to, again, forget the scene I just witnessed.

"Oh no you don't." Belle says, she begins to lift up my head by my ears.

I wince in pain and remove her hand from my ear. I look at her and pout,

"But I'm sleepy." I whine.

"Nope." She shakes her head.

"You are going to sit up straight and listen to the teacher." I groan in annoyance.

"But Babe!"

She cuts me off with a glare.

"No buts! Now hush, class is about to begin." She turns away from me and faces the professor.

I sit up straight and huff in annoyance.

"Fine." I said.

I glance at her, only to see her smiling in victory. I look forward with a small smile on my face.

Whipped, shut up.

You could say throughout the class, my attention was not on the professor.

- - -

After hours of suffering, school was finally over. Freedom, at last!

I rush towards my car full of excitement. Finally, I can go home, get on my sweats, lay on my bed, wrap myself into a human burrito and--


Oh for fuck sakes.

I stop in my track and groan loudly, leaning my head back, not caring if the person that called me heard it. I turn around and roll my eyes when I see Miah and Belle heading my way. He had his arms wrapped around her waist. I glare at them,

"What?" They stop in front of me and chuckle.

"What's with the attitude Don?" Miah asks.

He reaches over and tap my shoulder, I snarl at his actions and shove his hand away.

"Don't tapped me!" I point at him, which earned another laugh from him.
I smooth out my shirt.

"What do you guys want?" I ask.

I just wanted to go home is that too much to ask?

"We just wanted to know if you wanted to go get ice cream with us since the three of us haven't really hang out together in a while." Belle says with a slight pout.

I look at her lips for a second and cough a little. I look away and scratch my head, thinking of an excuse to get out fast. I don't think my heart will be able to take seeing them together for the rest of the day. Just seeing them standing together in front of me right now is suffocating enough. Today has been emotionally and physically draining already, I desperately needed to go home.

"And be a third wheel again? No thank you! I'd rather be home watching Netflix." I turn around and start to walk towards my car until I feel a soft hand grab my wrist causing me to stop walking.

"C'mon Donny it'll be fun!" Belle says.

Still not facing her I say,

"I'm good, you guys go and have fun." I try to tug my arm out of her grasp but she tugs me back.

"Come with us Babe, please? I miss hanging out with you." I turn to look at her and groan, she was giving me her famous puppy dog look that she knows i can't resist.

But I know that if I fail to resist, I won't be able get through the rest of the day without breaking even more. And that is definitely something I am trying to avoid. I slowly grab her and pull it off my wrist.

"No, really, I'm fine." I look at her to only look away right now.

She had a look of confusion and had a slight frown on her face. I shift uncomfortably, looking anywhere but at Belle,

"I'd only bring the mood down and annoy you guys with my constant complaining." I hear Miah chuckle and say,

"Stop, you can never bring the mood down." I look at him and give him a small smile and shake my head.

"Trust me, I would annoy the hell out of you guys." I look back down at Belle and give her a sad smile.

She shakes her head and looks me in the eyes,

"You could never annoy ME." I feel my heart beat loudly against my chest.

The way she said that seemed different to me. It was like it had a hidden meaning to it, but it's probably just in my imagination. Before I can get lost into her deep dark eyes I look away. I clear my throat and look back at both of them.

"I uh gotta go, but have fun guys!" I give them a small smile and turn around and continue to walk towards my car.

"But Donny--"

"Let him be." Miah cut her off.

"I think he wants to be alone."

I silently thank Miah. I turn around to see Belle sadly watching me go. I give her a reassuring smile, before she can do anything I turn back around and rush towards my car. I open my car door and sit in the drivers seat. I close the door and lean back in my chair and close my eyes, trying to hold back my tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry." I whisper to myself.

I take a deep shaky breath and open my eyes. I look at myself through the rear view mirror and say,

"You got through the day Donny, good job." I turn on the engine and drive off.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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