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Everything had felt like a dream. No words can express the feeling I am experiencing at this very moment. Laying here tangled within the sheets, naked, with the woman that you've loved for so long in your arms, and knowing that they share the same fondness for you is truly breathtaking. This moment is unordinary, it is something I will cherish forever.

After the moment we shared outside my apartment door, we spent the rest of our day in my bedroom.

We had no restraints, we did the things we truly yearned for. We took our time to explore our bodies, mind and heart. Tears were shed by the extreme emotions and pleasure we felt. So many sweet, loving words were shared. I had thought that I would feel afraid of the feeling of being vulnerable in front of of the person I loved. But I didn't, I felt safe, cherished, and simply happy.

Everything about this night was thrilling. Unlike the night I shared with Dalia, this feeling was like no other. My body burned from her soft, tender touches that explored my body delicately. The excitement I felt when her lips moved against mine so tenderly was overwhelming yet unbelievably extraordinary. No words needed as we lay here holding each other in our arms, after the passionate love making. Our soft, steady breathing and our racing hearts were involuntarily in sync.

With Belle's head resting on my chest and hearing Belle sigh in content as I softly trace circles on her bare back causes me to feel an overwhelming feeling of happiness. I look down at the top of her head and quickly, but softly kiss the top of her head. She slowly flutters her eyes open and lifts her gaze to stare into mine. She smiles and softly pecks my lips, it was short, but wonderful. She lays back down on my chest and closes her eyes. But before she begins to doze off I wanted to ask the question I have been curious about,


"Hmm?" she replies tiredly, I smile and continue,

"When did you know?" I ask,

"Know what?" She asks.

I stay silent for a moment, slightly embarrassed. Confused by my silence, Belle lifts up her head to gaze at me. She begins to giggle when she sees my blushing cheeks. She quickly pecks my cheek and repeats her question,

"Know what Donny?" I clear my throat,

"That you loved me," Now it was Belle's turn to feel embarrassed. I smile as her cheeks begin to redden, she coughs slightly and shyly looks down,

"Well, I think I've always loved you ever since we met. But I was never aware of it, I just knew that your happiness was always my happiness. Seeing your smile always brightened my day." I feel my heart race as she turns to look at me again affectionately. She raises her hand and softly places it on my cheek and smiles lovingly towards me.

"After seeing you smile for the very first time I just knew that I never ever wanted to see you sad or broken." She suddenly frowns,

"So seeing you today silent with a sad, dark aura and puffy eyes, and knowing that I was the reason for it, broke my heart." I smile softly at her. I place my hand on her hand,

"It's okay Babe, I'm okay now." I reassure her. She shakes her head and continues,

"No Donny, what I did was not okay. I hurt you, I am so sorry-" I cut her off by placing my lips on her lips. I feel her body soften as she begins to pull my face closer. We pull away and I begin to say,

"It's okay Belle. You laying here with me and loving me in return is more than enough. You make me so happy Babe," I see her eyes begin to tear up slightly,

"You make me happy too Don," She responds. We kiss each other one more time, I then pull away and smile,

"You are so special to me," I softly say causing her to blush slightly. She smiles wide and pecks me one more time before laying her head back down.

I lay my head back down and slowly close my eyes, exhaustion slowly taking over my body. But before it completely takes over my body, I suddenly hear Belle say,

"Thats not the only time I was aware that I was in love with you though." I open my eyes and curiously look back down to her to only see her cat eyes glaring into my widen eyes. I gulp nervously, not quite sure why she seems upset with me.

"O..Oh? Then w..when?" I ask. She continues to narrow her eyes at me,

"Dalia." I suddenly smirk causing her eyes to widen slightly at my reaction.

"Is my Belle jealous?" I slowly roll my body over hers causing her to gasp, surprised at my action.

She gulps nervously, causing me to smirk, knowing that I have that affect over her. I lean down and begin to lightly trace her jaw with my tongue, causing her moan softly. I stop, causing her to whimper slightly, I lift my head up to gaze into her beautiful brown eyes and say,

"You have nothing to worry about love, I'm yours." I gasp as she quickly switches our position. I gaze into her eyes and gulp. Her eyes was filled with desire, she smirks and slowly grinds her lower half on mine, causing me to groan,

"That's right, you're mine and only mine." she seductively says. I smirk and pull her head closer to mine and quickly crash my lips onto hers.

Before, I would have have never imagined myself being in this position. I always thought Belle would only be mine in my dreams. But now, here in the real world, Belle was mine and I was hers.

Belle is my reality.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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